Thank you.
I appreciate you taking the time to read my post and replying as you did.
As I stated; because the S5 is new to us we are establishing a baseline while getting to know the printer.
I understand and accept your position while also agreeing that our making offset adjustments within our cad file is not the direction we wish to go. In the case of these test we used Tough-PLA whereas is using PLA or ? I suspect the measurements to be different.
I think my greatest question was if the horizontal x/y measurement is consistently larger (albeit incremental) than the z measurement should we alter a Cura print value such as Shell Horizontal Expansion.
Takes care and; thank you again.
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Smithy 1,146
Hi and welcome!
Thats a normal behavior so don't worry. To get more accurate dimensions, you can print slower and set all speed values in Cura to the same speed (inner wall, infill, outer wall, ...)
You will probably get closer to the desired dimensions but still a little off. Then you can correct the difference in the cad file (probably not the best if you use it for future production) or use the horizontal expansion with a negative value, which affects only x and y. But, you have to test this value every time you print, because it will not be consistent over your prints. It depends on the dimensions, the material, even the color of the material, print speed, layer height and so on.
And another advise, measure not over the whole cube side, because the corners could be bulged and will give you wrong dimensions. Also the first layer will be wider than it should. Both issues can also be corrected in the slicer, the are called corner bulge and elephant foot.
The other questions has to answer someone else, because I am using an UM3 and have not experience with the UM5 specific problems.
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