Your problem is with bed adhesion, potentially just caused by bad bed leveling... Looking at the first picture, your first layer isn't properly "squished" out and has not adhered to the bed, this will eventually cause the print to break off the bed and subsequent extruded filament to just print randomly in the air, which can lead to what you describe about it sticking to the nozzle.
I don't know what printer you have, but you should run a bed leveling process, making sure than when the printer is homed in the z axis (ie. is at the height where the first layer would be printed, the nozzle should sit right at the bed surface regardless of where on the bed you move the printhead... Check the distance with a thin piece of paper, you should be able to drag it in between the nozzle and print bed, feeling some amount of resistance.
Apart from this bed leveling you may wan't to look at different options for bed adhesion... There is a separate thread for all of this: Here
Edited by tommyph1208
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owen 19
Looks like you're not starting close enough to the bed. The first layer and brim should be squished onto the bed so that the lines of print are touching each other with no gap in between. Best if you can do the bed leveling routine and give it another go.
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