Hi gr5
yes, but do not finde similar figures or I do not use correct search words.
Ultimaker 2+
Hi gr5
yes, but do not finde similar figures or I do not use correct search words.
Ultimaker 2+
It´s crazy to find the right figures and it´s heavy if you found them, to print it exactly like the orginal figures.
It´s not better, to search new figures and print a new Set? You than can look at easier to print figures.
But, why do you post this in german threads and wrote in english? It´s not better to write in german,
or post it in english threads and write it in english? I think, you get more answers, becaus it has reasons,
that there a different languages Threads... Some who can help you perhaps will not search in german threads,
and others are in german threads reading, but can not read english or answer in english…
Ich dachte ich habe es im engl. Forum gepostet, das deutsche 😉 habe ich erst später entdeckt.
Ja, ich überlege das natürlich auch ein neues Set zu drucken, Vorlagen dazu aber bisher auch nicht wirklich gefunden.
Muss weitersuchen.
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gr5 2,234
Did you try thingiverse.com?
Do you have a 3d printer?
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