yellowshark 153
Yup to put that in real life rather than from the software laboratory. The user control has to be failsafe. We have Cura on two laptops, one being a play around/test laptop and the other being the print control laptop for production. We would certainly not want our production laptop automatically updated and bringing down a days production!!
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ahoeben 2,016
Bugs happen in Cura. I don't think you really want automatic updates. Sometimes you want to hold back on an update.
Having said that, you can extract the files from the Windows installer with just about any archiving application (eg 7zip), and run Cura.exe from there without installing it to Program Files. That should make it possible to use a newer version without bothering asking your IT department for support.
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kmanstudios 1,120
Bad scenarios when you have auto-updates working.
1. Switching out the prints, on a tight schedule, need a reslice, and it is not slicing the same way.
2. Metered connections. Unfortunately, I am on one such animal now and it is a bitch to keep within the 'data usage budget' with all the crap sites though in these days. I would not want to be on the cusp and have that silly upgrade happen just a few days prior with another Pain in the Ass program. And, yes, it has happened with me. So, no speculation there.
That is just two off the top of my head based on real world situations I have seen.
So, I agree that there is a bit of a worry with auto updates. Oh, and I just do not want a program making decisions for me because it does not know what else is going on. Microsoft and Win 10 have shown me the issues with that crap.
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