Thank you for your reply.
Unfortunately the manual extruder won’t budge anything either?! I’m a little lost now as the plastic is to temperature (very hot to touch and the occasioanl plastic ball drips from the head) and yet I’m unable to manually extrude the filament with the wheel and I’m unable to pull through. The feed does appear to have eaten into the filament (it is roughly a third less its manufactured diameter and there is fine plastic inside?) in the housing which might explain the reason in the first place?
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IRobertI 521
In my experience the extruder can put on a lot more pressure/pull than your fingers. Have you tried backing the filament out using the extruder instead? Before you try it, take out the bolt and make sure it's clean so it can get a good grip on the filament. You can either turn the gear by hand or you can use the "Jog" tab of the cura printing dialog.
Using pliers might be an option as well to get you more grip on the filament but I find that more often than not you just end up breaking the filament and end up with nothing to grab onto.
Also, make sure that the head is actually hot so that there isn't some kind of malfunction with the heater.
If all that fails I'm afraid you're down to disassembly of the head. It's not as bad as it sounds. Just unscrew the four long bolts holding the nossle and heater package in place and it'll drop down (be careful not to burn yourself or the printbed obviously).
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