Hi there. I don't know for retraction since I don't have a camera and the cura g-code reader is broken, while other gcode readers can read it but not perfectly as the gcodes are better read by the slicer that created it, apart for cura.
Retraction is limited, and even with stock profile it's the same.
I tried to change the extruder spring pressure to max and min, but really no difference
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gr5 2,230
My first guess is: "too many retractions".
If the same piece of filament goes back and forth through the feeder too many times it can get ground up. What is too many times? 5? 10? 100? It depends on the material, the feeder, and the feeder tension.
So look at the layer that fails and count how many rertraction moves there are and then look at it in S3D and see how many retraction moves are there and see if there is a large difference.
You can limit retractions in Cura through some of the parameters to any qty on the same spot of material as you want. Search for "retraction" in the settings in Cura.
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