Don't forget that the UM2+ is already over 3 years old, at that time a filament sensor was not so common.
An upgrade to a filament sensor won't come, but it's not that important. I have the sensor for the S5, it works very well there, but the time between pause and change of filament should not be too long, otherwise you will see it at the end.
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Job_van_gennip 23
Hi zaph,
Unfortunately only the ultimaker s5 has filament end detection. The way we normally solve it is by weighing how much we have left on our spool and looking if it corresponds to what we need in Cura. We always keep a maring here just to be save. Hope this helps a bit.
Kind regards,
Job van Gennip
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zaph 1
thanks @Job_van_gennip for your input!
it is a surprise that a printer in this prize range doesn't offer some kind of filament end detection 😳
well then lets get a scale and hope for possible upgrades!
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