Yes already
But why I should level the bed, this is perfect levelled
Yes already
But why I should level the bed, this is perfect levelled
It might be perfectly level, but it can still be too far away from the buildplate. I don't know if this is the case; I'm having a bit of a hard time understanding your description of your problem.
?I have no problems with the printer, but I have problems with Cura.
After the Brim the printer drives to one corner, than the Z-axis motor starts wiggling, but it moves down. So there is between the nozzle and the bed a 1-2 millimetre gap.
Than the nozzle drives to the Start point of the cube, the bed moves up at normal high, but also with wiggling of the motor. Now the printer starts normal printing of the Cube, and it's all right.
This is what the printer is doing, but other printers do this too. So the problem is on side of Cura.
It's maybe happening, because the Z-axis hopp setting has a wrong set, but where can I set this right and how?
I think the problem is this line of code:
G1 F17987547480000 Z1.3
Which I thought was fixed in the latest cura. That's the speed of light. The speed of light is the default extruder speed. I don't know why.
Anyway the workaround is to give the extruder a speed. Any speed should work. In Cura it's called I think "retraction speed".
Or get the latest cura.
Ooops. my mistake. The problem is with the Z speed. In cura it's called "maximum z speed".
Also you should get rid of the "z hop" feature unless you are using a delta printer. For non-delta printers the z-hop makes your print uglier and increases stringing.
OH, thanks about this fast reply😀.
I would try this setting and give a reply. The Z-hop set was only a try, because I would build my own switching nozzle and there I thought it's need.
And yes, I should update my Cura👍
Edited by FlyingDoodles
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ahoeben 2,011
I think you meant to say "adhesion" where you said "liability".
Can you show us the Start GCode snippet from the Machine Settings?
It sounds like maybe you need to level your bed a tiny bit closer to the nozzle.
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