The print settings are important - i.e. you can't use the same line widths you can with a 0.4mm. If you could post a Cura project file (.3mf, get it ready to print then go to File > Save Project) we can have a look at the print settings and see if anything looks like it wouldn't work on a 0.25mm.
GregValiant 1,455
@Torgeir is lazing in the sun someplace but he might have time to look at this between pina-coladas.
Edited by GregValiantHi there -and thanks Greg for bringing me into this while in sunny Spain...
As this is and old topics, -never had an answer I'll throw in my five pence.
I've been printing quite a lot with the 0,25mm nozzle in order to create small object's there are some issues when printing whit this "tiny" nozzles..
I'll normally do not print over a large surface using this small nozzle.
With such a size of nozzle I'm printing in a limited area in order to avoid surface dumps..
This is a lesson learned some time ago, printing a tiny film surface of nylon, -including an object.
At this time, I've used my original heat bed (glass bed), but the print always failed due to a "bumpy" surfaced glass bed (using my UM2E)!
As I very much neded to finish this print for a friend, I'd looked at my UM S3 that have the same print bed size as the UM2E..
Sure, I've swapped the bed between the two and mirackle happend.
The day after, I've ordered a new heat bed glas for my UM2E.
If this is a problem, -order the new and better glas bed for your UM2+...
So, making first layer with a 0.25mm nozzle, in order to print on large surface need a super straight ruler in order to make sure that your heat bed is straight!
Sure the bed needs to be calibrated well for such a mission.
Sometimes a covered front and top are needed to keep the tempereture right to avoid crimping object etc.
Good luck
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mintbanjotunes 0
Hey, did you ever fix your issue?
I just bought an Ultimaker 2+ and had no issues with 0.4 or 0.6 but I am having similar problems to you for the 0.25mm nozzle.
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