Hi netminder,
Just looked at your print project as I've also have an UM2.
If I'd read your project file right, you're printing with a 0.6 mm nozzle and speed at 60 mm/s?
Right? If so, this is way to fast for such a nozzle with such a detailed object I'll say.
Also the flow request for this is very high.
In order to print all this details you should use a 0.4 mm nozzle, a much better match for your print.
Your printer can print this object very well.
For Cura 4.6.1, use default fine, select your infill and select skirt. Reducing "print speed" is very effective in order to avoid issues in the object (resonance/shadows etc.).
This should work well for your printer.
(Actually I'll think your printer worked very good in spite of this to high demand 🙂).
When it come to elephant feet, it is much better to have those -than a print come loose from the bed, oh yes, tried that..
Some use to reduce first layer in the original 3d drawing in order to reduce this effect.
Hope this help
Good luck
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SandervG 1,521
To battle the elephant feet you could look at the initial layer horizontal expansion setting in Cura.
For the layers you might want to look at the acceleration / jerk settings in speed and perhaps print a little bit slower in general. More info can be found here: https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/articles/360012611079-Speed-settings
Hope this helps!
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