SD Card is easier and much more reliable.
I would use SD card. Easier to print old files and more reliable then a computer connected while its printing
The only problem is that when I download a file to the SD card the printer can't read it, I am trying other ways how to download load it but the printer can only read gcode file. So maybe I figure that I can use the USB maybe it would be easier I just trying different ways.
You probably downloaded a STL-file... you need to create Gcode... (with cura)...
Edited by MariI don't have an Ender 3 but I know some printers only accept certain types of sd cards. Not SDHC etc..
Also you may have to select the reprap gcode in machine settings.
I have used SDHC card, no problem with Ender 3 (Pro)... He is probably using the SD-card he got with the printer!
Creality uses MARLIN!
Edited by MariCan I change the setting on my printer to read STL instead of gcode? If so how do I do that?
Yes I am using the SD card that came with the printer is that the issue??
Read STL - NO! You need to create gcode!
Micro-SD-Card is OK...
Edited by MariThe only problem is that I not sure how to do the gcode because I am making my 3d designs on cura and downloading it but the 3d printer can't read it, how do I make it a gcode?
Is Marlin the software for ender 3 pro? Not ultimaker cura?
The Ender 3 Pro is running Marlin, you need to install Ultimaker Cura software to convert STL into GCODE!
Check this video on Youtube, it explains how to set-up Cura for Ender 3 Pro:
Ok thank you for your help
31 minutes ago, davidstone11 said:The only problem is that I not sure how to do the gcode because I am making my 3d designs on cura and downloading it but the 3d printer can't read it, how do I make it a gcode?
... are you sure? Cura is for slicing (converting obj/stl-files to Gcode)...
22 minutes ago, davidstone11 said:Is Marlin the software for ender 3 pro? Not ultimaker cura?
there seems to be some confusion in software and codes that should be solved first:
We have to differ between:
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Labern 775
If you put a SD card in your computer CURA should auto say "save to removable drive"
Or you can connect via usb
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davidstone11 0
Ok thanks wich is easier the SD card or USB cable?
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