Without a picture it is hard to help you.
Did you watch this video as belt tensions (especially short belts) are the most common problem with oval shapes but I'd love to see the first layer - take a picture of the bottom - I want to see if your infill is making a particular pattern where every other line touches:
Also be aware that for several reasons, vertical holes through a part will be smaller than desired. One reason is shrinking while cooling. One reason is that when you create a cylinder with cad it instead creates a polygon with for example maybe 10 sides. These 10 sides cut through the circle making the circle smaller. Using 50 sides will increase the inner diameter slightly. A third reason has to do with the material properties of liquid PLA: it acts a little bit like a rubber band before it is a solid so you are pulling on this string that you are laying down and it tries to pull inwards towards the center of the circle. These 3 affects vary depending on temperature, and additives to the PLA such as dyes. The best solution to this effect (not the ellipse effect) is to print a few layers, abort the print, measure your result, then adjust your CAD model.
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IRobertI 521
it seems you forgot to include images of the problem.
But, in general, roundness of circles is almost always a case of getting the short belts to the correct tension.
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