I think this bug might have to do if you sliced on a mac versus a pc.
I think this bug might have to do if you sliced on a mac versus a pc.
The mac vs pc thing should be fixed - or at least worked around - in the latest version.
When you hit abort, any currently unprocessed gcodes are flushed, and then the printer adds the following commands in their place:
G92 E20
G1 1500 E0
These set the current filament distance to 20, then move to distance = 0 (i.e., retract 20mm) and then home all axes and release the steppers.
The first G92 command can be modified depending on whether the printer is in regular or UltiGcode mode, since UltiGcode uses E command in cubic mm, not mm of filament - so it you're in Ultigcode mode, the distance gets multiplied by a bit more than 6, so that it converts back to 20mm of filament to be fed.
The problem you're describing sounds a bit like the G92 command isn't working, so that the filament is getting wound all the way back to its starting position? But looking at the source code, I don't see any obvious reason why that would be.
Are you really sure you want to keep working in Reprap gcode mode? I understand about losing the benefits of defining your own start and end gcode, but I think that you lose a lot by going that route - not least the firmware managed retractions, and the ability to tune those during the print. You're also just working at the boundaries of the normal use case for the new printer, and more likely to run into bugs.
It was a painful step for me too. But I think it may jsut be better to drink the koolaid, and do things the way they're 'supposed to be done'.
I'm getting this exact same problem with 13.12. On "Abort" it retracts the filament between 2-6 inches (seems random). It does not feed it again when resuming so its needed to manually feed the filament. It's a real PITA.
I'm using a PC by the way, not a MAC.
See this thread for more info:
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simon 1
I've just update my UM2, but the abort behavior was not a problem for me I.e. No retraction.
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