So cura mesh tools complains that your model is 3 separate meshes but it prints reasonably well despite that.
The hat and heat print separately as you can see so it won't be as solid of a model. You could fill in the space between.
Anyway I think most of your issues will go away when you go from 7 million to just 70 thousand triangles.
It appears to be in inches. STL files should always be exported to mm even if you used inches to edit it. I mulitplied by 2540% (25.4X) and got this (each square is 1cm so bigger than it may look - it's a big printer):
Your model in meshlab - note how in the purple area at the bottom - number of faces...
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gr5 2,224
Your model has 7 million triangles! That's crazy. It took an entire minute to load it into cura.
I decimated pikachu using this technique down to only 70,000 triangles which is still way more than you need. Maybe still too many. stl attached.
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