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Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

I have a bit more vacation left still, so I'm designing some more stuff to give my printer when it eventually arrives. I whipped up these glasses last night for the lenses in my current set of glasses.


My current frames are nearing 50% plastic with the remainder some amalgam of JB weld, Epoxy, Shapelock, superglue and shrink tubing. I broke the original hinges, and gluing to such a small surface yields very little strength. Since then I have broken the hinges so many times I just didn't find it economical to buy new frames. Thus, I am very interested in printing out new glasses frames over and over again; also, now that I have a CAD model of the glasses I can add room for wires and surface mount components and put neat things inside the glasses. I also changed some of the dimensions of the glasses to help prevent them from falling off my head, my current frames have arms that are just a bit too short so they don't wrap around my ears much at all.

To make them I taped my current frames to my screen zoomed to a 1:1 ratio, and carefully made a spline of the lens perimeter dimension, then did a bunch of fine tuning with my calipers and the dots consisting of the spline. All the other splines were done visually to my taste, as long as the lens dimensions are good the rest of the glasses can be any shape.

There is some curvature on the original frames, I plan on printing the frames flat then heating them with my hot air reflow station and adjusting to fit. I will probably give the nose bridge more of an organic shape in Meshmixer, it will just look cooler. The hinges may be a bit weak, but I have like 10 more design ideas, one of them will work. If anyone is interested in messing around with the CAD or stl files I can supply them. The only real hard part was getting the inside lens dimensions, after that there was a lot of cloning and mirroring; you can roll back the CAD files to change the lenses to your own liking.




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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    WOW.... I'm supper impressed. I love your technique for creating the spline geometry.

    Do your glasses have plastic or glass lenses? and what printer have you ordered? I'm kinda curious because if you could print this in abs you could also help mold/glue in the lenses in with acetone. Also for future replacement purposes you could clean off the glass via acetone again. I don't know if I would chance plastic lenses with acetone though.

    I also know I saw a post where on these forums where some one printed out a one piece pair of glasses, I think it was a prototype though opposed to a working model with lenses. I'm sure they know more about these matters, Ill try to find the post and get back to you.

    This could turn out to be a really cool use of a printer (especially since I too need new frames :)

    You could also post your work on youmagine.com, that way people could help contribute more easily.


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    Ha! I found the post, it was in the "post your latest print" topic.


    post#885 by ChrispCreator

    Also it sounds like he is planning on using them for real safety glasses!

    Either way I wonder if he would know anymore on this matter, maybe you can send him a pm?

    Also I just saw your glasses on youmagine...... man I'm slow on the uptake! I'm already playing around with your files thanks!


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    Thanks! My current lenses are plastic, I was still going to print them from abs anyway so I can try the acetone vapor technique and give them a smooth finish, although the 3d printed finish would be pretty cool for glasses as well. Actual glass glasses seems like a good idea for the future though. I've been wondering if an optometrist can fit lenses to any frames or just the frames they sell, or if they would even tell me the truth that I don't really need to buy their expensive frames.

    I've uploaded updated versions of the SolidWorks files uploaded earlier, I didn't do a name change so I would just start with what's there now. I found the front piece file hard to edit so I made some tweaks, I also reduced the fillet size on the arm that fits the frame for more material support, and I uploaded a newer version of the front part with a much better nose piece; apparently I'm not very good at free handing Meshmixer yet so it's all still in SW.

    Thanks for the link to ChrispCreators glasses, printing in one piece seems like a better idea for structure. I read through his post and was glad to see the results, I'm excited to try and print out a pair of frames. My current frames are so glued together they are one solid piece and sometimes I find it annoying and wish I could fold them. After making the glasses I saw what others were doing glasses related, and came across some really interesting ideas. It would be nice to have a glasses frame software or something that had the basic shape and you essentially pulled it into the shape you wanted, except that getting the lens size right would be difficult, unless you also made the lenses. Its an interesting business idea to make lenses for customers that design their own frames.

    O'Yeah, I ordered a UM2; and am looking forward to going back to work just so I am forced to think about something else, I'm starting to think about my UM2 too much.


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    Thanks for the tip, yeah I have no clue what my lenses are made from; definitely plastic though. So if I do the acetone vapor technique I'll leave them out of the frames; but the more I think about it, I think I want to see the layers so I can show others the capacity of 3d printing.


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    Hey AaronAlai,

    These are nice! You and I seem to have a bit in common towards 3D printing. The glasses are definitely on the more difficult end of 3D printing. I only printed my first version and put them on the backburner because it's so time consuming and there are so many other projects to start. :) I'm going to follow your progress on these to see your outcome. What are you most interested in printing first?


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    Thanks! I realized last night I have a list about a mile long for objects to print. I really want to print the glasses as one of my first prints, because I really really need new frames. What aspects of a glasses frames print did you find difficult? I haven't got my printer yet so I don't know exactly what to expect. I'm hoping I can print them flat and heat them up with my hot air reflow station to generate the slight global curvature of the frames. I'll definitly keep this thread alive or start a new one when I make the glasses to keep everyone up to date on my progress, although it probably won't be as interesting as your Tantillus thread :smile:. Also, I think it would be cool to try and make a customizable version or something.


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    Aaron, we printed your beautiful glasses last week in green transparent, came out beautiful and an easy print! Too small for my nose though and have not tried hot-bending or so. I think the interconnect where the screws would go might need to be a little bit larger to cope with daily wear.

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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    Ahahaha yeah :-P ! I just got back from a three day meeting that could have gone better, and this is great news! Awesome! Which version did you print? The first version was too small, I goofed on a measurement; but I figured I would keep them up for people with a smaller bridge. V5 is the best and has a fillet for lenses to fit into, there is also a small ledge to keep the lenses in the frames. If you are interested in wearing a fitted pair I'll send you a custom .stl if you send me your desired bridge length? Great to hear about the hinged, I thought it would be too fragile. I'll make a new pair this weekend, not that you have to print it; I understand printer time is a valuable thing. I'll make the fine adjustments when I get the printer and actually understand how everything works. Man, you have to post some pictures, how long did it take to print? Also, green is my favorite color :mrgreen:


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    Hi Aaron,

    I'm actually not sure if I printed V4 or V5....I kind of remember loading them into Cura trying to see the difference and not really discovering any. Thank you very much for the offer on adjusted bridge.....I really just thought it was a really cool concept to print - I really don't need new glasses ;)

    But my bridge would be about 27.5mm (1.08in) if my digital calipers don't lie and if you'd like to make a pair :)

    And now I know the difference between v4 and v5!

    Here are some pictures:

    Aarons glasses assembled

    Aarons glasses on bed

    W IMG 2417

    W IMG 2416

    W IMG 2415

    W IMG 2414

    W IMG 2413

    W IMG 2412



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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    WOAH! Those did turn out great looking! Thanks for the fantastic pictures; and I'll say you look quite dashing in those frames :smile:! Wow it feels really great to see the thing I designed made by someone so far away; it's like I sent you a physical object, but just really compressed and you need the right uncompressed algorithm. The internet seems a bit more tangible today.

    I really appreciate the pictures, and I'm excited to edit my current models.

    Thanks again!!

    Also, either way I'll send you a custom .stl who knows you may need them in the future :smile:


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    One more also, you should post this in the "Post Your Latest Print" thread!


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    But I've made dozens of prints since I printed the glasses :grin: :-P


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    Yeah, I can imagine; your workshop looks very well put together. You need to upload those prints! I love seeing new prints. Now I know what they should look like at least; I hope I've read enough material on the forums to print them well. Here is a different hinge design I'm playing with:


    I don't know if all the extra material on the sides is necessary; but I reduced the pin diameter down to 2 mm that's definitely necessary. Anyway I'll have many different designs I can test very quickly when my UM2 arrives!


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    Alrigh, since the glasses thing looks like it will eventually work I'm investing a bit more time into the project. At work and at home I can think of a million uses for a handy flashlight. So I'm going to integrate some super bright white leds into the frames. I have the leds from a past project, and these things are like staring into the sun (considering their size); so now it's time to whip out my freehand surface mount soldering skills and make this thing into a real thing!!

    I have the front of the frames finished:


    I'm planning on the left ear stem to harbor some super small rechargeable lithium ion batteries (also have laying around from a past project) behind the ear, and a micro switch and micro usb recharge slot on the right ear stem.

    I plan on soldering these things up first, and pausing a no fill print so I can cram everything into the right spot and have it all encapsulated. Yeah, this will probably be really tough, but it's too cool to just avoid simply because of that; I'll figure something out. Below are some of my freehand surface mount led soldering tests.

    That guy on the left is about the size of a grain of sand, next to it on the far left is a crumb. The leds in the frames are approximately the size of the one in the middle of the led row:


    Some soldering magic, this is the smallest led from the photo above:


    and voila:


    My housemate makes a living painting models, and I help him integrate very small leds into them. Blarg, waiting for this printer is a lesson in patience for sure!


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    Oh my god. Those LED glasses would be so incredibly useful for me. Clip lamps on a diagonal wooden dowel are cool and all but this would be all I'd ever need for my craft work. You'd pretty much never ever see shadows again (yeah, probably not good in all situations, but for some... holy crap).

    You must to go to a forest at night in the middle of nowhere with these bad boys. That would be so confusing and disorienting and amazing.


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    Aaron, thanks for the nice words :) I'll see if I can put up some more pictures in the "post your newest print" thread soon.

    Nice to see you playing with new hinge designs, too! Good to move to 2mm screw hole I think.

    Not sure either whether the extra bits are needed.

    Perhaps the "cool head lift" option in Cura would work well here for the UM2 since it's a small area at the hole are that has a tendency to melt/goo a bit extra during standard print settings.

    I think the LED intregration is really cool! Could be useful for inspecting stuff. What batteries would you be using? I bought a lot of really small stuff a couple of years ago when I was experimenting with integrating LEDs, sensors and *duinos. I have some very small coin batteries but they are not rechargable. Now most stuff is packed down so I can't remember everything I tried.


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.


    I had to thicken up the frames just a little bit to squeeze in the led type I want to use. Just thought I'd post my progress thus far.


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    I think I would print this in two parts actually. The main body in an opaque material and the front in a transparent/translucent one depending on how much diffusion of light you want. What I'm thinking is that if you do the whole frame in a translucent material you would get a lot of light shining from the side onto your eyes which would be uncomfortable. And if the "business end" of the glasses is flat you'd get a nice shiny surface finish


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    Interesting, my housemate suggested the exact same thing. I plan on printing the glasses out in all black, I don't want to see any of the light from behind the frames. They are really bright leds and I'm hoping there will be enough black plastic to eliminate me being able to notice the light from the back end. Yeah, I made the inlays for the leds at least as wide as the led itself so the whole front if nice and flush and then the fillets begin; I'm hoping for a very nice front face to the glasses. I'm sure there will be many iterations though, now I've just got to wait for my printer :???:


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    Alright, I've been thinking about how to actually get everything inside the glasses pre-assembled and this is what I have so far. I'm going to print the glasses to about layer 20, remove the piece, solder everything up inside the sacrificial piece, pause during print for the actual print, carefully remove the led/wire structure and insert it into the fresh print with tweezers; maybe a couple of sparse drops of glue to keep everything in the little channels and cavities.


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    huuu ?? what ??? LOL ;)


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    really like your progress Aaron !

    and the idea of the built in LEDs into the frame beaming out white light is a very useful concept.

    another interesting idea that I want to do might borrow some ideas from you.

    I want to create a holder for my normal cannon digital camera... a holder that fixes onto the lense and can you can mount a single 35mm color photo slide.

    Then use bright clean white light behind the color slide to create perfect illumination, then the camera can focus in exactly on the slide and take a beautiful digital copy of the slide.

    I find many existing solutions for this have underpowered lighting.. a stronger white light can bring out more of the fine details that die away on old 70 year old color slides..

    by the way i should maybe mention. I also found time in the last 15 years to build up the seconds largest private collection of colour footage and film from the second world war... in the world... hehe. maybe 20 percent of all the color footage you see on the history channel comes from my apartment..LOL :wink:

    Ian :smile:


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    Posted · Designing a new set of glasses frames.

    Love the design!

    One warning that is only obvious to me after I did it...

    If you are going to use a heatgun to reshape this, don't direct the heatgun at the lenses. If they are anything like mine they have a few coatings on them (scratch resistances I think) and those coatings expanded and cracked like a windshield. I ended up with hundreds of micro cracks all over my lenses from pretty minor heating (was trying to fix my frames with heatshrink tubing).

    I am sure you are much wiser than I and would never do that, heh.

    Keep us posted.


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