16 hours ago, GregValiant said:The "divot" looks like the nozzle is remaining in contact with the print. It doesn't look like anything is taking overly long though. I made some slight changes (in bold) to your end gcode.
G91 ;Relative positioning
G1 E-4 F2700 ;More retraction and a single retraction
G1 Z1.2 F2400 ;More rise
G1 X5 Y5 F3000
G1 Z10
G90 ;absolute positioning
G1 Y{machine_depth} F7200 ;Present Print
M106 S0 ;Turn-off fan
M104 S0 ;Turn-off hotend
M140 S0 ;Turn-off bed
M220 S100 ;set feed rate to 100% in case tuning changes were made mid-print
M221 S100 ;set flow rate to 100% in case tuning changes were made mid-print
M84 X Y E ;Disable all steppers but Z so the X beam doesn't slide down on it's own.
Thanks for the comment, I tried the end gcode however I still seem to get the same result. I tried filming the end of the print in slo-mo in order to see what is wrong: https://1drv.ms/v/s!Ap3DhELSYkH9gcQNjonFE7EdhOHClg?e=P1U3DL
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GregValiant 1,410
The "divot" looks like the nozzle is remaining in contact with the print. It doesn't look like anything is taking overly long though. I made some slight changes (in bold) to your end gcode.
G91 ;Relative positioning
G1 E-4 F2700 ;More retraction and a single retraction
G1 Z1.2 F2400 ;More rise
G1 X5 Y5 F3000
G1 Z10
G90 ;absolute positioning
G1 Y{machine_depth} F7200 ;Present Print
M106 S0 ;Turn-off fan
M104 S0 ;Turn-off hotend
M140 S0 ;Turn-off bed
M220 S100 ;set feed rate to 100% in case tuning changes were made mid-print
M221 S100 ;set flow rate to 100% in case tuning changes were made mid-print
M84 X Y E ;Disable all steppers but Z so the X beam doesn't slide down on it's own.
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