"bridging" in 3d printing...
If you are printing a wall with a door or window opening - when you get to the top of the door/window - it "bridges" across the top.
It's when it is printing a layer where it bridges from one wall to the other to cover up some hole below.
You aren't doing that in your "bridging" photo. So I'm confused. Maybe you are talking about "stringing" which is when the printer prints but you don't want it to and you get strings/threads.
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gr5 2,295
Sorry you are unhappy. If you post 3 questions on this forum you will almost always get only one answer. So consider breaking this out into 3 posts.
I have no idea what you are trying to say in the first photo. Okay I looked a 3rd time - I have an idea - how many layers have you printed here? 3? Are you talking about how thin the bottom layer is? Some glass aren't flat. They can be thinner towards the outer edges. That doesn't look too unreasonable.
Bridging and stringing works differently that close to a heated bed. The bed should be at 60C for PLA. Is that really a bridging test or a stringing test? I don't understand if the bottom print is better (better bridging) or worse (worse stringing) and what you did differently between the top and bottom part. White filaments (not just PLA but all filaments) string more for me. So you picked the toughest filament to work with. I think they add chalk or something and it just doesn't print as well as darker colors like gray, blue, red, etc. Wait until you print black which shows up "errors" that are hard to see in white filament. Tiny changes in slope that can't be measured with a micrometer suddenly show up visually when you hold it to the light in the right angle.
Elephants foot I fix by using "initial Horizontal Expansion" at -0.25mm. That is a bad idea for certain rare parts but 95% of the time it works great. Elephants foot is two issues - one is that you are leveling the nozzle "too close" to the bed but you want that - you want really good adhesion and one of the key things to get your part to stick to the bed is to squish it quite well. So I squish quite well and then compensate with IHE.
The sticking issue is also horizontal expansion related.
everything is a tradeoff. UM3 default profiles are for parts to look pretty. UM2 default profiles are tuned more for accuracy but not 100%. You will get better looking and more accurate
This last part I would tune. It's the only thing you mention that I found I need to tune. I would play with "horizontal expansion" to get it to print this last part correctly. It appears you need to set it to -0.6 to get these parts to "not stick" but that seems crazy. I've never had to set it to a value larger in magnitude than -0.15. Maybe just print a little slower and 5C cooler.
Ultimaker published these improved accuracy values - called "engineering profile" (not available for most printers so you have to just modify the settings manually). Note that this makes uglier prints (more ringing) but more accurate prints if you pull out the micrometer. Also this makes for slower prints - particularly the combing setting and speed settings. Disable jerk control - these are for UM3/S3/S5 where most profiles have jerk and acceleration control. I advise against enabling those for UM2 printers (doesn't need it and it will just make accuracy worse).
Line width: 0.4
Wall thickness: 1.2
Top/Bottom thickness: 1.2
Speeds: 35-40 (first 7 speeds, all except travel)
Jerks: 20
Horizontal expansion: -0.03
walls: 3
Inital Layer Height = 0.1
Slicing Tolerance = Exclusive
Combing Mode = off
Outer before Inner Walls = Checked
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JJ79 0
First of all, thank you for really professional answer!
On the first picture those two red circles are much thinner – right corner of printed square. First contour line thinner on the left side of the bed (red lines). There is only one layer printed and it is on 0,12.
Bridging – I just enabled bridge settings in cura with standard settings. But I have order new filament, black and gun silver. So I will make one bridging test soon.
I print with 205° (200° to 210° tested). Speed between 30 -50mm.
I’m going to change all settings like you suggested 😊
Once again Thank You!!!!
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