I use original printcores.
I tried manually different steps:
Printcore 1 at 250°C: OK (then come back to ambiant temperature)
Printocre 2 at 250°C: OK (then come back to ambiant temperature)
Bed at 60°C: OK
Print core 1 250°C + BED 60°: OK
Print core 1 250°C + BED 60° + printcore 2 250°: STOP and REBOOT
I came back to only BED at 60°: directly STOP and REBOOT, the same several times (it didn't happen the first time).
I didn't connect in SSH mode yet. I need to see how to do it.
You can see logfile (after printing crashes) attached and the videos of booting and crash here: https://we.tl/t-28wmA78aa2
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robinmdh 106
it sounds like a power supply problem indeed, do you use any 3d party printcores?
You could try setting the initial temperature for the 2nd hotend to 0
Otherwise you could edit the /usr/share/griffin/griffin/machines/um3.json and set the total_power_budget to be a bit lower. This could Nerf your machine though, heating could take longer.
(to do this last step you need dev mode active and either user ssh or use winscp)
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