Thank you for the tips, i will try the first option first... its strange that i couldnt do it in g code.i think this device working how its designed and dont want modify these base settings. i appreciated..
The Y axis (and X and Z axes) doesn't know where it is until it hits that limit switch. So it MUST hit that limit switch before you can start moving things around.
I take it back. You can actually skip the homing procedure. It's extra work. You need to switch your machine settings from "ultigcode" to "marlin".
You need to slice something and then hand edit the gcode and remove the G28 command (home).
You need to manually home the 3 axes (put the X,Y, and Z axis where you want 0,0,0 to be) before you start printing. That will probably work.
BUT if you accidentally forget any of these steps you could break the pen. Or at least get a lousy drawing. Or if you are going through the controls and forget and do something like a "level bed" or some other command from the menu on the printer, it will likely try to home the axes.
tinkergnome 929
2 hours ago, gr5 said:You need to switch your machine settings from "ultigcode" to "marlin".
That's the crucial step.
G-code-flavor "Ultimaker 2" signals the printer that the firmware is responsible for the start position, not a G-code. So change that to "Marlin" first.
Once you have done that you can modify the start position in the start script. The default start script for "Marlin" contains useful comments -> should be a doable task.
"Homing" in the back left corner seems to be still possible - so no further action needed for this task (as far as i can see).
47 minutes ago, tinkergnome said:
"Homing" in the back left corner seems to be still possible - so no further action needed for this task (as far as i can see).
Oh! I'm a dope! I misunderstood. @babursaglam said the problem was in the Y direction but I was thinking he meant the X direction (hitting left side of printer). So no need to modify printer! The G28 (home command) should work fine and no hardware changes are necessary.
In this case tinkergnome's solution is best.
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gr5 2,295
You can't really fix this in gcode because the printer must home and to home the Y axis it needs to move all the way to the left until the limit switch is tripped. So you have only 2 choices that I can think of:
1) Move the pen to the right side of the print head
2) Move the Y limit switch to the right by about 1cm.
In your photo, on top of your printer, in the rear left corner there are 2 button-head screw heads visible. Very close together. Those are for the Y limit switch. If you look under neath where those screws go you can see the limit switch. You might be able to bend the limit switch by the width of your pen. Careful or you may break the metal tab but if you only bend it once or twice it should survive.
Or you could drill two new holes 1cm to the right of the existing and remount the limit switch (aka end stop switch) 1cm to the right.
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