GregValiant 1,455
If you want to get really fancy we can teach you to merge two or more gcode files together at a height so you can mix layer heights and line widths and even print different sections with a different size nozzle. It's a bit tedious but not bad. The hard part is watching (with your fingers crossed) as the printer goes through a transition area of the gcode 9 hours into a print and you're wondering if you got the transition code right.
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GregValiant 1,455
I think both of you need two models. One would be the base and the other would be what goes on top. You can do this in Cura. Bring the base in on the build plate and bring the upper portion in at a Z to sit on the base. Using the Per Model settings you could have the base piece ironed and the upper part what ever you want.
I've printed a lot of these drink coasters using two models. I've adjusted the Z here so you can see that the top layer of the base on the left is ironed, and the first layer of the words and rim on the right have no bottom layers (in this case, it just doesn't need them). I usually use Pause At Height and change the color for the upper part.
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gr5 2,295
Yes. Make two models that don't intersect with each other. You may have to raise the Z value of the text so it sits at the right height. I just did this for a print 2 days ago. You can do this even if your printer only has one extruder - in fact that is the default where the same extruder gets assigned to all models. In my example I had 2 extruders with 2 different color filaments.
I didn't use the ironing feature but it would have been easy to do so.
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reneroth 1
Thank you, both of you, this is exactly what me and OP were looking for. Pro-Tip: Go into Cura Settings > General > Uncheck "Automatically drop models to the build plate"
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Lordpaul 1
Thank You Guys!
I will try these suggestions. I can make separate STL files that's an easy fix.
That's again,
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