GregValiant 1,455
@tinkergnome is correct (as usual). Within the menus of your printer will be "Control | Motion | Steps/mm" and you can enter new values there. They will be temporary until you use "Save Settings". You could also send (or put into a gcode file) "M92 X?? Y?? Z?? E??" to change one or more of the axes. Use M500 to save settings.
An error of .1mm across a model indicates .05mm / side. That is about 1/2 of a human hair. The Steps/mm on the XYZ are very accurate and you shouldn't need to change them (the E is a different story). To handle your dimensional problem you can adjust the Horizontal Expansion in Cura or increase the flow by a couple of percent. If you cool the part the dimensions will get smaller and if you heat the part the dimensions will get bigger. It's plastic.
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tinkergnome 929
Those things are not part of the slicing process - the firmware of the printer handles it on its own.
The slicing engine of Ultimaker Cura does not know or need this information - that's why it is not there.
I'm pretty sure, Creality printers are equipped with Marlin-Firmware by default - so it should to be to find somewhere in the printers own settings menu.
Good luck!
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