I have a 0.4 nozzle and 0.4 is whats selected for nozzle in Cura (4.12) up top, line width is 0.4 under Quality. Filament under machine settings, extruder is 1.75mm. Volumetric is not enabled on printer - it's an ender 3 machine. Its a BTT Silent board running Marlin. The extruder is dual gear and aftermarket but neither correlate to issue. The change *seems* to be something I must of inadvertently changed in cura. I've been using 4.12 fine for month or more but it's been the last week, so i'll post an older gcode (bedlevel - it prints ok). I am pretty sure it's my fault and i really really appreciate your follow-up questioning! Oh Flow - i usualy keep it at 100% in cura and change it on the printer. In response to the issue I jacked it up to 120% in cura and 110% on the machine - so 133% or so... but with both at 100% I still had these weak prints.
It's almost like it's printing a raft, that's what it looks like, just real fine, but they are not spaced 400um.
I have depression so it affects my memory so if i forgot something sorry and thank you!
Oh I have linear advance k at 0.45
testCube.3mf testCube04x012_MINENOV3.gcode BedLevel+KIII04x02NOV6IPOH03x008_NOV6IPOH.gcode
Edited by Mlogue9Linear Advance
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GregValiant 1,354
The Line Width IS the index distance between two adjacent extrusions. That's how Cura calculates the size of the rectangle it has to fill. When you factor in the length of the extrusion you get the volume of the extrusion.
The E values in the Gcode are calculated to provide that volume of filament for any extrusion. If you have gaps between the lines then it is under-extruded. The question is why it is under-extruding when older gcodes do not.
What filament diameter do you have entered in Cura? Does it match what the printer uses?
Are all the flow rates under "Material" at 100%?
Checking the printer - is Volumetric Extrusion (E in mm³) turned on?
If Volumetric is turned off on the printer (normal) then check the Gcode flavor in Cura. It should not be set to Volumetric if the printer is not set to Volumetric.
If you would load a model and set Cura up to slice and then use the "File | Save Project" command and post the 3mf file here someone will take a look. Since the older Gcodes are fine, that lets the printer off the hook (mostly). I don't like to guess, but when it's a question regarding something that is essentially very simple math then the problem is usually a setting in Cura that is conflicting with the printer. Cura is calculating the E values by one method and the printer is interpreting it as another method. As you've found out, the result of that is scrap.
One more thing - what printer?
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