I bought this lightly used. What is the internet web page for the printer. I am not sure what you mean. Thanks for the help I am new to this and can use it.
I bought this lightly used. What is the internet web page for the printer. I am not sure what you mean. Thanks for the help I am new to this and can use it.
It appears you are in the USA. I would contact support@fbrc8.com. They assembled your printer and if you give them your serial number and explain the problem they can tell you if it is still under warranty. Even if it isn't they will surely give you some hints as to what is wrong as we are not familiar with this particular issue (probably rare?).
Usually someone here has a good idea as to the problem but apparently not this time.
Most often camera issues are usually IP address related and resolved after a factory reset. As Smithy mentioned you can put the IP address into your browser and see what comes up that way. Are you running the latest firmware?
And as gr5 mentioned, you can always submit a ticket. Screen shots of what you're seeing when you try to access the camera should also help.
I have e new ultimaker S5 (Firmware ( and I have the same problem. What should I do ?
I have the latest firmware 7.0.2
Whit a new Firmware, camera is done
thank you
@Syl2014 - I don't think it was the firmware, lol. I think it was the reboot.
@wittsend - did you try rebooting? If so did you try the factory reset? Erin is very good at this - she has fixed hundreds of S5 printers. Note that after a factory reset I'm pretty sure you need to do XY calibration again. Probably lift switch calibration as well. But if you are only using one core you can skip XY calibration and lift switch calibration gets easier each time. I can do it in less than a minute now.
I took the bottom off and unplugged and plugged back in the camera and it worked then tried again and the camera stopped working.
Edited by wittsend
Beware that under the bottom are deadly voltages. Be careful under there. Did you follow Erin's advice? She's probably the most knowledgable person on the planet regarding this particular issue. Seriously. She's built and repaired S5's. She's helped hundreds of people fix them. She works for the company that assembles every S5 sold in USA. So take her advice very seriously.
Yes I understand and it was unplugged. I am used to working around power and always take it seriously. I am still working on it and hope to get it solved.
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Smithy 1,146
No, there is no trick to get it working. If it is not working on a brand new printer, I would contact your reseller.
Have you tried the internet webpage from the printer itself, if you see the cam there? Just enter the IP address of the printer in a browser and follow the menu.
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