Clearly it's not the sensor. Good debugging. So obviously the heater can't get it hot enough.
Is this happening while printing? Or even during heat up. For example I can't even print at 210C with a 0.8mm nozzle with 0.4mm layers printing at 60mm/sec. The original heater just can't keep up. Even if I turn the fans off.
So it could be you need a more powerful heater (3dsolex sells 35,40, and 50 watt heaters for um2).
Or it could be your fans are blowing on the nozzle.
Or very common, your metal fan shroud is touching the heater block. That's common if you took it apart recently. Make sure you can slip a piece of paper from the rear between the block and the shroud. Or just try removing the fan shroud temporarily to see if it can now heat up to 240 just fine. The fix is usually to rotate the round nut which will raise up the heater block a little more.
Or maybe there is resistance somewhere in the cabling to the heater or something that Porkpie mentions above.
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