thanks! yup i managed to install the update after unplugging the air manager (at the top connector, not the bottom no idea why that should make a difference). i'm still getting the air manager error when I start printing, so I guess it has to be a hardware issue...
Edited by echongI'm also getting this problem, its very frustrating, i have taken the airmanager to bits and it can be only one of 2 things, 1-PCB 2-The fan itself. Both of these look completely fine to me and they are less than 2 years old, Looking at the fan makers website they guarantee their fans for 6 years... is Ultimaker going to help its customers here?
I currently have my fan uninstalled from the machine and control screen.
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gr5 2,230
I don't have an air manager but I'm 90% sure you can just disconnect it (and optionally the material station), reboot and then install the update. After the update seems good you could optionally reconnect the hardware and reboot.
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