I'd suspect the USB connection
At first I thought - robert is clever - he thought of something I didn't consider. But thinking about it more I think the moves during calibration are single LONG moves. So I don't think it's USB related.
I would check the power supply voltage - the 19V - see if it is dropping down to 12V or something a few times per second.
I would get prontrface - it's free:
Connect to the printer with that and do controlled movements of 100mm at a time at different speeds. Try to figure out what is going on. I've never heard of this. Maybe post a video?
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IRobertI 521
Do you mean that it stutters along? Starting and stopping? I'd suspect the USB connection in that case. Disconnect everything you can that might cause interference, shut down every program you have running except cura. Consider giving cura/python elevated priority. If you have access to a different computer I'd try on that one as well to see how that goes. I'm assuming that you opted not to get the Ulticontroller here.
The fan that cools the electronics MUST run or you will indeed have problems with overheating stepper drivers. I'm not sure if that would cause this phenomena (not sure how long they shut down before starting back up again).
Actually before any of that, when this happens does the extruder gear keep turning? I'm assuming it stops together with all the other motors, correct?
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