This is a common problem. Is this problem occurring on your UM3? Are you using active leveling?
There are about 5 things that can cause this problem. A photo would help diagnose.
1) The most common is that it is printing too far from the glass. Try pushing up on the glass to see if it squishes the filament better. You want it like a pancake - much wider than tall. You want the width of each brim line to be quite a bit wider than it is tall. Like a pancake. So as it prints the brim - just push up a little bit on the glass and see if suddenly it works great. If this improves the brim then you have narrowed the problem - do you use manual or active leveling?
2) Oils on glass, bad surface prep. how old is this printer. If you get down low and look at the glass almost horizontally do you see lot's of dust? Clean that all off. There may be oils from your fingers on there as well. I recommend cleaning initially with any kind of soap and then final clean with glass cleaner. I've heard some say that some glass cleaners finish with an oily coating but I don't know what's good and what is bad.
3) glues. There are tons of glue choices that work great. For example magigoo. So I'll give you one other suggestion that you can probably try now: After cleaning the glass (roughly clean it once per month) put down just a little bit of glue stick. Just do a swirl that takes you 4 seconds. Then remove most of it: take a tissue or paper towel, wet it, and spread that bit of glue evenly all over (and also removing most of it). Then heat up the bed (or you can start it heating before you start doing this) and wait for the bed to dry. I have a video showing this technique and others if you seach youtube for "gr575 warping" but it's a long video.
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GregValiant 1,455
This is a common problem and has a variety of reasons.
What printer do you have?
What type of filament are you using?
What is the top surface of the build plate made of?
What is the approximate age of the build surface?
How may prints have you done on it?
Are you using any adhesion promoter (glue stick, hair spray, etc.)?
If you post an image of the problem it would be really helpful. Without a photo I can keep asking questions but I'm old and my fingers get tired.
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