Hi @MariMakes Thanks for the reply. I'm using Ultimaker filament and it was dried on the bed for an hour before it was used. One thing i detest about this printer is that the filament just hangs out the back. Open to dust and moisture 😞
Attached the printer file. Waaayyyyy to may options in this software. My Prusa slicer was setup months ago and I never change settings and get much better prints from it. Always found the simpler the better.
Edited by PTL_Steve
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MariMakes 206
Hey @PTL_Steve,
Sorry to hear you are having so much trouble with your boxes.
It seems like a bad case of delamination.
That can have a number of causes.
For me it's often related to material quality. What material are you using and when was the last time it was dried?
You can find some more tips here:
Do you have a project file for us? It contains the printer and settings we need for troubleshooting.
To save a project file go to File -> Save project.
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