Blender is not really a CAD program, it's more a 3D modeler. Sketchup is a bit in between.
If you want to design mechanical parts then a CAD program is easier, if you want to create pretty things, then a 3D modeler is better.
Al these tools can be quite tricky to learn, and tutorials help a lot (also for sketchup)
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mr_seeker 0
I think you just summed up the 2 freeware programs that I would recommend. Besides sketchup I can work with Rhino3D, which is actually a bit of a pain-in-the-ass if you have never worked with 3d before, but they gave it to me in school and still using it for the more tricky builds.
When you just want to make some simple prints (for example a cup) then I would recommend sketchup, but if you want to get more into 3d I would really recommend blender, unless you want to spend X000 dollar on software.
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