Cura does have some known problems with multiple monitors, especially in certain situations like this one. Try running it with only one monitor active.
As for slicing and printing times - other than bugs when slicing stalls indefinitely or fails entirely - it is what it is.
When slicing, it's not just about how many faces there are, Cura also has to calculate support, infill, the most efficient way (both in terms of filament and time) to do things, how best to hide Z seams, etc.
And printers... well I mean you can get "high speed" materials, not sure what the difference is chemically, never tried them, probably never will, because that generally means increased acceleration and jerk (which usually lead to bad, especially on taller models). Like most things in life, you can do it the quick way or the right way, and while I get away with the quick way in a lot of things, this isn't one of them.
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Dustin 178
Question would be how large is the file size of this model.
That will factor A LOT into how long it takes for your computer to slice it.
Memory usage would be a factor of due to how large the model is.
Preview takes a lot of resources if the model is very large in both file size as well as just overall physical size.
While it sucks, what you described would not exactly be unexpected.
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Slashee_the_Cow 541
Also when it comes to performance - there's a lot more to performance than saying "I have a Core i7". A new i7 14700K would absolutely curbstomp my i7 7700K (which itself can handily beat, but not as severely, my old i7 2600K).
Also, 6GB of RAM is not a lot these days - I mostly have 32GB because I can, but I'd still say 8GB as a minimum and 16GB as a good amount to aim for.
Actual advice:
It's better to take longer but do it right than to try and cheat the system and lose 2-3 days when your cheat backfires. This is a lesson I have learned through experience, just not on that high a scale (worst time, lost about 12 hours of progress).
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theasherbot 0
Thank you guys soo much! I got a video of the real reason why I posted this. The video is at the bottom.
Sorry about me not knowing my specs at all. Here is what "Settings > System > About" has.
The Model is 4 mb big. 34,457 Vertices. 105,022 edges. 70,415 faces.
I am going to print the tree in smaller parts, because I had a half size print of the tree going upside down. Cura said it should take 24 hours and it did break 9 hours through the print.
I was slicing a test part for a mechanism to lock the parts together and Cura crashed and the wired visual glitch happened so I recorded it. Sadly I was not recording before Cura crashed. I think this will only happen if you have 2+ monitors. here is the video.
Added more info about the model
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