The problem I was trying to deal with was optimally arranging parts after breaking up an STL. After breaking them up, Cura seems to try to arrange the parts going out from the center and the build order it picks looks random to me. The only way to tell what is printed when is to look at the layer view. I then arrange them to print from right to left/front to back and have edited the machine setting to allow closer spacing.
The thing that makes it the most frustrating is trying to remember the print order of everything as I shuffle the parts around.
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gr5 2,294
I agree! I want more control! But the machine is forced to print in a certain order sometimes if the nozzle isn't in the exact center of the keep-away zone around the head.
I spent an hour or so playing with this. There are many factors. It prefers to print I believe right to left and front to rear but you can override that by messing with the "machine settings" and increasing the distances and then putting parts very close together. For example to make it print parts near the back first, increase the Y distance for the front of the test head larger than the rear (normally it's the other way around as the nozzle is near the front of the test head). And then put the parts as close as possible front to back such that if you move the parts any closer (in Y) the other parts all shift out of the way.
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