I think they're 8 x 14 x 4 bearings - I bought some on Amazon. They'll fit over the existing bearing that fits inside the delrin wheel.
I think they're 8 x 14 x 4 bearings - I bought some on Amazon. They'll fit over the existing bearing that fits inside the delrin wheel.
I managed to find the confirmation e-mail and yes, it was that size. Here's where I bought mine:
And then there's this solution also:
That's the solution we're talking about
At the time I couldn't find the right sized bearing, so I made a ring of aluminum the same size as the delrin one on my lathe. Haven't had any problems since.
Yeah, not sure why UM didn't just include one stock...
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IRobertI 521
I don't remember the exact size but there are bearings out there that match the delrin ring pretty much perfectly that you can replace it with. I have one, somewhere... that I bought off of Ebay a long time ago.
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