Thanks IRoberl
I will try the first design with 0.1mm spacing. Guess my feeling was about right.I might try a little overhang of 0.2mm to have some extra surface and room for error.
Thanks IRoberl
I will try the first design with 0.1mm spacing. Guess my feeling was about right.I might try a little overhang of 0.2mm to have some extra surface and room for error.
I generally find that 0.1 in .1mm printed objects gives what I call an interference fit.
0.2 is generally a bit loose
Thanks James,
that is a nice way of explaining. I will try the interference fit so I can use little glue.
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IRobertI 521
It's best to test as the shrinkage can vary between plastics, size of objects and shapes. Since you want to fuse the two parts together and not take them apart again you might get away with a 0mm spacing and force the two together. For safety I would probably give it that 0.1mm wiggle room.
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