Select the model that you wish to manipulate by clicking on it and do what you need to do. :mrgreen:
Select the model that you wish to manipulate by clicking on it and do what you need to do. :mrgreen:
Yes I've done that.
Left clicked, right clicked, centre clicked, dragged, press tab, shouted loudly at the screen....
Definitely in normal view.
I'm using windows XP is that likely to make a difference?
Works for me. I doubt it is XP but it might be memory.
Maybe the slicer crashed. Try very thick slices until you get everything placed right - try .4mm (I know - extreme) to reduce how much memory the slicer uses. Or maybe you found some new bug.
Only case where I haven't seen this working is when the display is set to 16bit colors instead of full colors.
System slow could be part of the cause. Try doing it slowly and see if it help.
Thanks for all the replies.
I've tried again and I still get the same response.
- I am using Cura 14.03
- My monitor is set to 32 bit colours. 1440 x 900 pixels
- I have tried increasing to 0.4 mm layers
- I don't think the slicer has crashed since it works, the progress bar moves and gives me a time and amount of material it will use.
- My system is quite old but I don't think it is really slow since I am able to rotate and move the first object with no problems.
When I try to left click on the second object nothing happens.
If I click a long way off the second object then the screen re-centres on the first object.
If I drag the first object on top of the second object the second one is automatically moved out of the way.
It seems as though Cura knows the second object is there and won't allow me to move the first object on top of it, however it won't allow me to select the second object.
If I delete the first object then I am immediately able to manipulate the second one.
Any other suggestions?
Maybe helps to know how the object selection is actually implemented. It's actually drawing the objects in different colors, and looks at the color below the mouse cursor to see which object you are actually clicking on (hence the 16bit colors problem) maybe this helps indiagnosing the problem.
I'm getting the same on the XP machine I use for 3D printing. When multiple models are on the build plate, only the first is selected/hi-lighted. The others cannot be selected. This happens on 13.10, 14.01 and 14.03. Changing from 32bit colour to 16-bit (and vice versa) makes no difference.
On a Win7 machine everything works fine on all the same versions.
I had this iussue with 14.02 (first version on the machine) and 14.03. I got the feeling that the graphic card is the source of the problem. Mine does only support OpenGL version 1.1. Could that be the source? I haven't tried a newer card jet, but I had/have no problems on other PCs with newer (not realy faster) graphic adaptors.
Thanks for everyones help.
So if I get a new PC it will probably solve the problem.
Are there any requirements, recommendations for the spec of a windows 7 PC that I would require to run Cura?
There was a time when vista came out and it was much too slow on most computers out there and even brand new computers were shipping "vista ready" but where much much underpowered to run vista.
However, the hardware has caught up and surpassed this issue years ago. Hardware gets about 2X faster every 1.5 years. Pretty much all computers sold today can handle windows 7 (or 8) and can handle cura and will be at least 5X than 90% of computers sold from the XP era. Worry more that it can read/write SD cards, does it have SVGA output or only DVI or HDMI output, stuff like that - obvious tangible things.
I've just spent countless hours figuring this problem.
It's the video driver.
Try changing it to a better compatible one.
In my case I had to use an older driver from ADM HD 4000 series 64 from:
This fixed it instantly...
This is so frustrating. Do you guys not think we tried clicking it? No one comes to a help board after hours of NOT clicking the other icon only to have THAT be the fix. And then everybody else trying to explain how the program writes an image to the screen, or why a slow computer cant select a second object on a screen.
That being said, I have the same problem. I've installed and re installed several versions of Cura, I've tried the keyboard shortcuts, clicking everywhere possible on the part, changing view modes, literally every option I know of has been exhausted before coming here.
For those who STILL cannot select a second object, and do not wish to buy another PC to be able to do so:
1.) Open the file you wish to manipulate.
2.) Rotate, Move, Do whatever you need to do, then move your object to its FINAL postion.
3.) Save the File, then delete it.
4.) Do the same for any other objects, then load them one by one back into Cura. They should keep all of their positions they were in before you saved them.
It's a pain, I know, but those of us who never got an answer on this one won't care. there will be some limitations with this, but you can at least print 2 or more parts that both needed to be rotated (or moved around at all) before you can print them.
On 5/16/2014 at 9:49 AM, printedman said:Select the model that you wish to manipulate by clicking on it and do what you need to do. :mrgreen:
Definitely tried to click the other part my friend, that's why we're here!
2 minutes ago, Mellonoma said:This is so frustrating. Do you guys not think we tried clicking it? No one comes to a help board after hours of NOT clicking the other icon only to have THAT be the fix. And then everybody else trying to explain how the program writes an image to the screen, or why a slow computer cant select a second object on a screen.
That being said, I have the same problem. I've installed and re installed several versions of Cura, I've tried the keyboard shortcuts, clicking everywhere possible on the part, changing view modes, literally every option I know of has been exhausted before coming here.
For those who STILL cannot select a second object, and do not wish to buy another PC to be able to do so:
1.) Open the file you wish to manipulate.
2.) Rotate, Move, Do whatever you need to do, then move your object to its FINAL postion.
3.) Save the File, then delete it.
4.) Do the same for any other objects, then load them one by one back into Cura. They should keep all of their positions they were in before you saved them.
It's a pain, I know, but those of us who never got an answer on this one won't care. there will be some limitations with this, but you can at least print 2 or more parts that both needed to be rotated (or moved around at all) before you can print them.
Hello, you are responding to quite an old thread, with a lot of information that is not relevant/up to date anymore. I would recommend to write a new thread about your issue if you are looking for some help/tips. Thank you!
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lbeentjes 1
You should be able to select the other part just by clicking on it. And then you able to rotate/move it. Be sure your in normal view not layerview or something.
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