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Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed


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Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

After installing heated bed I successfully update firmware but next step was unsuccessful - no connection.

As I understand it was short at HOT BED port (but i try at relay side - no shorts) or voltage at TEMP3 port (also no).

Now printer won't connect with connected main board (heated bed kit disconnected) but arduino port is visible in OS. Connection successful only without main board.

After power on head go right with small speed steps.

How to fix my printer?


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    Reflash the default firmware through Cura. The FW update uses a different method to communicate with the printer so should work even though the rest of the Cura comm with the printer does.


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    OK so you are saying that the arduino works when NOT connected to the UM shield?

    And please clarify where you saw the short. When you measure between the heated bed outputs, it's shorted with no power on (might as well leave the arduino off to simplify checking this)?

    Oh, also note that the outputs are protected by a diode so if they look shorted, reverse the probes to be sure. Shorted in one direction and not when reversed is probably OK.


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    1) Disconnect any wires currently connected to the green connector with screws labelled "heated bed" to eliminate that as the cause.

    2) Measure the voltages at IC1 - that's the one that needs the most cooling. You should get 19V, 12V and 0V. The 19V comes from the black power supply that plugs into the printer. IC1 then regulates this down to 12V which the Arduino uses.

    If the 19V is fine but the 12V is bad then it's either IC1 or something is drawing a huge amount of current (and getting hot).

    If the 19V is low then it's either the black supply or something is drawing huge amounts of current there - I'd start by removing the pololus - the 19V only goes to a few places including servos, nozzle heater, maybe fans also.


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    So I just went through this and at least in my case this is what happened.

    I downloaded the latest Cura beta. Thought I should update to the firmware that came with it,

    Selected to Ultimaker Original with self built heated bed. I noticed that Cura flashed the HBK version.

    Fortunately, I have the ulticontroller and after the update was complete and the Arduino restarted, the controller immediately displayed


    and this is on a machine that was working 5 minutes before.

    It seems once the BED TEMP ERROR appears, the printer won't communicate with either Cura or the Arduino IDE.

    However, I removed the Arduino and used by saved copy of the firmware config to rebuild for my bed and reflashed. After reinstalling the Arduino, the printer is fine.

    This is why I recommend you reflash with the default firmware from the Cura install called just "MarlinUltimaker-250000.hex" and NOT the HBP version.

    There is a good chance that your printer is OK but the firmware has a problem that caused the Arduino to go into such a bad error state that you can't communicate with it.


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    Thanks, anon4321!

    It's really true - latest Cura (14.06) has broken firmware.

    Installing with older version (14.01) fix this problem.

    But older version have not "Heated Bed kit" firmware.

    I try to build at http://marlinbuilder.robotfuzz.com/ with "Basic Ultimaker + heated bed (100k therm, relay driven)" option.

    It have not correct end stops markers - bed leveling points are:

    1. front left

    2. bottom center

    3. front right

    4. front left (again)


    Maybe I select wrong option?

    Where I can download firmware for Ultimaker Original with Extruder drive upgrade and Heated bed kit installed?


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    Cool, glad it was an easy fix. For my heated bed on the UM1, I built the firmware.

    However, others have used that marlin builder. Maybe someone else can help.


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed



    It's really true - latest Cura (14.06) has broken firmware.

    Installing with older version (14.01) fix this problem.

    But older version have not "Heated Bed kit" firmware.


    That's for the new Ultimaker heated bed upgrade - not yet for sale.


    Where I can download firmware for Ultimaker Original with Extruder drive upgrade and Heated bed kit installed?


    robotfuzz. After installing the hex file from robotfuzz did it show proper temperature of heated bed? Around 20C?


    It have not correct end stops markers - bed leveling points are:

    1. front left

    2. bottom center

    3. front right

    4. front left (again)


    I don't understand. You could post a video. Try skipping the Cura wizard and try leveling yourself by goint to z=0 and disabling servos and then push the head around by hand and check with thin paper.

    Then try printing something.

    If you still have trouble with servos or end stops please post a short (10 second?) video somewhere.


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    Hey GR5, the broken firmware is more like a broken installer or that the wrong firmware is selected. If you use Cura, select Ultimaker Original then self installed heated bed and you update the firmware, whatever Cura installs on the printer doesn't work and the printer immediately reports a temperature error.


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    I'm pretty sure that's a configuration for the new UM Original heated bed upgrade kit. It's not for sale but to make it easier for beta testers and for UM employees to test it, it is included with the latest Cura.

    But you can still choose that and then *not* upgrade your firmware and then Cura will prompt you for heated bed temp.

    But I always set nozzle/bed temp to 0 so that I can set it on the printer.

    Anyway, I'll double check with Daid.


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed


    With default firmware (only extruder drive upgrade). Cura 14.06

    It's different points with this firmware but same noise


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    The steppers are skipping steps and aren't really completing the moves.

    To eliminate one variable, can you go back to the firmware from 14.01 and see if the printer does better during the leveling wizard?

    Does the head move easily when the power is off? If not, you might want to try some sew machine oil on the 8mm rods.


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    I don't think there is anything wrong with the firmware. You have a problem with the X axis and when both axes move at the same time there is also a problem which leads me to believe that when the X axis makes the noise, the Y axis is not getting enough voltage.

    The problem could be with your power supply - maybe it can't power the steppers and the heated bed at the same time? I would check the 19V and make sure it is steady when moving the X axis.

    Also check the friction when power is off on both X and Y axes.

    The problem may also be in the stepper drivers. There are 4 removable drivers on the PCB underneath the UM. Check that they aren't too hot - the fan is critical when these are in use (when power is applied to steppers even if steppers not moving).

    I would swap the X and Z axis driver to see if the problem moves to the Z movements or if the problem stays on the X axis.

    You can purchase these drivers and they don't cost very much at all. Google "pololu" and "ultimaker" to see which ones are the best. Then also google "pololu" alone to see where to buy them. They are sold by color. For example all black pololu are the same specifications. But I think you might want the green ones (I forget).


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    Cool, glad it was an easy fix. For my heated bed on the UM1, I built the firmware.

    However, others have used that marlin builder. Maybe someone else can help.



    I noticed in different topics on the forum that you( anon4321) had encountered and resolved that problem with installing a self built heated bed . I have read your replies and others carefully, but I find it difficult to execute, especially the part of flash the Arduino . Would it be possible to help me a little bit further ?

    I have the self-built Ultimaker with the Ulticontroller which all worked fine . Then I have updated Cura to 14.07 and installed the heated bed kit (from Jason HK) . When I added the new configuration in Cura, I could upgrade the firmware for 'self-built heated bed' , which I did . After that I got the error : max bed temp on the Ulticontroller . The communication also got blocked .This is a known story I presume , but to be sure..

    This is the error report :

    Changing monitoring state from 'Offline' to 'Detecting serial port'

    Connecting to: /dev/cu.usbmodemfd121 (programmer)

    Error while connecting to /dev/cu.usbmodemfd121: 'Timeout'

    Serial port list: ['/dev/cu.usbmodemfd121']

    Connecting to: /dev/cu.usbmodemfd121 with baudrate: 250000 (auto)

    Trying baudrate: 230400

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 115200

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 57600

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 38400

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 19200

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 4

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 3

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 2

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 1

    Send: M105

    Baudrate test retry: 0

    Send: M105

    Trying baudrate: 9600

    Send: M105

    Changing monitoring state from 'Detecting serial port' to 'Closed'

    Changing monitoring state from 'Closed' to 'Error: No more baudrates to test, and no s...'

    Connection closed, closing down monitor


    Is the only solution still to take out the Arduino part and 'flash ' it with the Arduino software ? Because , I took out the Arduino, made connection through the Arduino software ( for me this was all first time and rather unknown stuff, but I am willing to learn more about it) and I also built the firmware with Marlinbuilder as you mentioned before . In Arduino I have opened an new sketch with the firmware file (Marlin.hex.text). When I let Arduino compile this file it gives me the following error message and this is where it ends for me .

    core.a(main.cpp.o): In function `main':

    /Users/aum/Downloads/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/main.cpp:34: undefined reference to `setup'

    /Users/aum/Downloads/Arduino.app/Contents/Resources/Java/hardware/arduino/cores/arduino/main.cpp:44: undefined reference to `loop'


    Can you give advice ? Should I persist in flashing the Arduino (how?) or is it possible to go around this ?




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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    Fons please start a new topic.

    Many people have built their own heated bed but none of them are likely to read this topic.

    Did you build your own heated bed? Did you solder in the 4.7k resistor? What part did you use for the thermistor?

    Anyway to answer your question, in Cura go to "file" "machine settings" and mess around with the port. In "auto" mode it only checks com ports 1 through 4 I believe but often the printer can be at port 10 or 20 or 34 or whatever.

    More information here:




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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    Hi Gr5,

    I will start a new topic .

    Thanks !


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    Hi Gr5,

    I posted a new topic, but to answer to your advice .

    My computer can establish connection, but only when I set the machine settings in Cura 14.07 to a printer without a heated bed .



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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    OK, it is going to get a little technical here.

    I have only had success in recovering from the worng firmware flash by removing the Arduino from the printer.

    Let's make sure you have the right source. Download this zip file:


    and extract the Marlin-Marlin_v1 directory from it.

    Make sure you have the latest version of the Arduino IDE (I have 1.0.5 and I think 1.0.6 is out, either will work).

    Get it from here if needed: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software

    Start the Arduino IDE and go to the file menu and click open. Find where you extracted the Marlin-Marlin_v1 directory above and go into the Marlin directory. In the Marlin directory, select Marlin.pde This will open a new window for the pde. You can close the original window (not sure why it does that).

    Go to the Tools menu, select Board and choose the "Arduino Mega 2560 or Mega ADK" item.

    On the same Tools menu, go to Serial Port and select the serial to which your printer is connected.

    Now go to the Sketch menu and click Verify / Compile. You should get a message like:

    Binary sketch size: 109,480 bytes (of a 258,048 byte maximum)


    Now go to the File menu and choose Upload. It will recompile again and flash the firmware to the printer.


    Now reinstall the Arduino into the printer and make sure it is working.


    So now we need to get your bed working.


    Go to MarlinBuilder and select all the options required. I didn't use this so it is up to you to determine what options and values should be used. However, it seems like you should select Basic Ultimaker + heated bed (100k relay) + Ulticontroller and click build it.


    Now download these files to give you two options....



    HEX File


    So use ONE of the following options to get the firmware onto the printer.


    1. This is the hardest way but it makes sure your firmware is the latest. MarlinBuilder may not have the latest source.

    Make sure the Arduino IDE is closed. Copy Configuration.h and Configuration_adv.h you downloaded from Marlin Builder to the Marlin directory in the Marlin-Marlin_v1 directory you extracted above. This should OVERWRITE the two files of the same name.


    Open the Arduino IDE as described above and perform the Verify. You will get an error. The files from MarlinBuilder are a little out-of-date and the version string isn't complete.


    When the error occurs, the IDE will highlight the line. It should be the first one below:

    lcd_implementation_draw_line(1, PSTR(VERSION_BASE));

    lcd_implementation_draw_line(2, PSTR(VERSION_PROFILE));

    Comment these lines by placing a slash slash in front like:

    //lcd_implementation_draw_line(1, PSTR(VERSION_BASE));

    //lcd_implementation_draw_line(2, PSTR(VERSION_PROFILE));


    Now it should verify without error. Continue to upload as described above.


    2. This is the easy way but the firmware produced by MarlinBuilder might be out of date.


    Install the latest version of Cura and run it or if you have it install already, run it and go to the Expert menu and select Run first run wizard.


    In the first run wizard select Ultimaker Original then make sure extruder drive upgrade is checked AND check the Heated printer bed (self built). HOWEVER, skip the firmware upgrade. And skip the checks and just click finish in the bed leveling wizard.


    Now in Cura with the printer connected, go to the Machine menu and select Install custom firmware.... do NOT install the default firmware. Select the hex file you downloaded from Marlin Builder.


    Good luck.



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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    Thank you anon4321 !

    I followed your instructions,took option 1(changed the file in Arduino), etc. finally I have a normal screen in my Ulticontroller with letter H and functioning menu, but …i have no control over the heated bed temperature .

    When I do for example a preheat PLA for the bed, it gives my 0°/70, the extruder head fan starts to turn , but the temperature of the heated bed does not change . It should indicate at least the room temperature ?

    The resistor is soldered in its place but is there also a direction of the resistor ? Is there a systematic approach in finding the problem possibly ?




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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    I have also added pictures with how I wired the heated bed, in case I have made big faults there already ,




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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    Add some more photos of the wires where they change colors and where you have added junctions. I have the same heated bed. The two sensor wires on the connector on the bed are the middle pair but the colors of the wires on my bed are completely different. Make sure the two center wires are what you have connected to the two outer pins on the sensor input.

    For now, you should disconnect power to the bed and the lines to the relay until you get the temperature reading correctly.

    When you power the printer on, the bed should read around room temp / 21C.


    Resistors aren't polarized so they can be connected in either direction. The resistor looks correct.

    Also, I looked closer at the wring from the heated bed output to the relay and it looks correct. The control side of the relay is polarized and the way you have it connected is correct.

    Does the LED on the relay light up when you try to preheat the bed?


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    Alright, so I followed the instructions by Anon4321, disconnected Arduino from main board and reinstalled firmware through Adruino IDE... All good, UM is "back online" and can connect through Cura... However, my Ulticontroller is no longer working... It just displays squares across both lines on the display?

    With regards to custom firmware:

    Anon4321, you mentioned building the firmware yourself? With that, do you mean, you downloaded Marlin_v1 and tweaked Configuration.h, then uploaded this through Arduino IDE?


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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    Hi Anon 4321,

    Thank you very much for the reply! I won't be able to test it till wednesday but I'll let you know.



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    Posted · Ultimaker dead after installing heated bed

    Tommyph, regarding the ulticontroller, try swapping the cables. where they connect to the controller shield.

    If that doesn't work, you might have not selected something correctly in Marlin Builder. To get back to a known working condition, flash the Ultimaker supplied firmware using the second method but selecting MarlinUltimaker-250000.hex in the resourcesfirmware subdirectory of the Cura installation directory. This will disable the heated bed but you can run through the instructions again or examine the config files in detail and hand edit.

    With this known good firmware, you should be able to get the controller working again but you might need to try the cables in both possible combinations. Having hacked the crap out of my printer and misconnecting these cables way too many times, I finally marked which cable goes in which socket.

    Regarding how I did it, yes, I tweaked the config files and uploaded via the Arduino IDE. I would just tell you the changes to make but I have merged upstream Marlin changes, have a lot of other customizations in it for a Z probe and I'm using a SSR running the bed in non bang-bang mode (which won't work with a normal mechanical relay)..


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