Actually the fans in the video start spinning because I turned the wire a bit. otherwise they just don't start. So yes depending on the wire position they could stop spinning mid print or just not start at all.
Actually the fans in the video start spinning because I turned the wire a bit. otherwise they just don't start. So yes depending on the wire position they could stop spinning mid print or just not start at all.
Ok, then the connection is faulty. I'd suggest you should try to pinpoint the location where the connection is broken. If it is a broken wire, this can be easily repaired (although re-soldering might be tricky depending on the location on the wire). Did you check the white molex(?) connectors? Are they seated properly?
It really seems located at the connection of the main wire line and the print head so if the molex connector is at that place it could be the cause.
I'll look into it more tonight. I noticed the faulty connection this morning just before leaving for work.
I think i had this issue once and solved it by some soldering. Check my previous posts via my profile!
I had the same issue before, check the following post :
Guys your posts are great references for me. It is the same problem. I'll fix the wire connection this week-end.
@NickWu the photos are very helpfull!
To test fans without printing anything, go to the PRINT menu, select that and select any print. Then quickly select TUNE menu and it will not print until you exit print menu (you can hit power switch when done). Then go to the fan control in TUNE menu and set to 100%. They should come on full speed.
When done you can either exit PRINT menu and quickly abort print (but it will probably print a little) or you can just kill the power.
Thanks gr5
Alright I soldered the wire connection and its all good now. It was the yellow wire in my case.I printed a spiral and cover in Flex PLA and its all clean
Thanks everyone. You all made this a lot simpler
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Nicolinux 288
Depending on the slicing settings in Cura, the fans have a "fan speed min" and "fan speed max" (advanced settings menu "Expert" -> "Open Expert Settings"). If you set 0.5mm then the two side fans will gradually start spinning until they reach 100% speed at 0.5mm. However the settings for min and max are a bit more involved - check the tooltip help.
But the fans should stay on after they have reached full speed. The slow start you see in the video is normal. Sometimes the impulse is not strong enough to overcome the bearing resistance from the fans. I had it a few times where I had to manually nudge the fans to start spinning.
Which problems do you experience with the cable connection? Do the fans stop spinning mid print?
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