Thanks, Illuminarti.
So I have switched to ABS for the first time from PLA and have been experimenting for the last couple of days. Man is that build plate hot now! and I think the fumes are making feel a little funny... haha.
I print on Frogtape and not blue masking tape.
It has worked great for PLA prints but I am seeing crazy warping with ABS. All of my ABS prints warped and were aborted with the exception of 1 Ultimaker robot print I did to test something. It came out awesome!
Since then, I have been putting a nice layer of gluestick on top of my Frogtape. I am about 20% deep in a 10 hour ABS print right now and it looks FANTASTIC! It's laying as flat as can be and it's looking great so far. This is my first test with glue stick on top of frogtape so I cant say for sure until it finishes and I test some more.
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illuminarti 18
Yay! Can't wait to hear how it goes... keep it up! :-)
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