Hi Daid. I sent them the older ones and I am using the new ones.
My guess: Use ReplicatorG 35. Its a common bug and a darn annoying one: "Manual extrusion in control panel does not work due to missing toolhead".
Hello mr_seeker. I tried with ReplicatorG 35 too...
Flashback... Yes I had the exact same problem when I got my machine.... So I gave up the ReplicatorG software and tried Netfabb + upgraded my firmware, and all my troubles went away... However I see you tried that as well, so it might not be the same.
Have you checked your temperature reading, because the newest firmware prevent extrusion when the temperature is too low.
Hi frodeheg. This mornig I have just reinstalled ReplicatorG 35, netfabb and the Arduino controller and I couldn't solve the problem...
Now I am trying again with Cura.
Well, I have filmed some seconds showing what happens usin the configuration wizard window of Cura:
Any idea?
In the configuration wizard, what does it say in the box "This results in the following steps per E:"? If it says 0.0 then enter 865.888 in it and try the extrude again. Your movie clearly shows that the motor is powered but not stepping (it's powered twice because it gets reset when you press "extrude")
Thanks Daid.
Better than words:
Thanks to everybody who tried to help me.
Yesterday I received new stepper and new extruder motor from people of Ultimaker and this morning I've been printing some things, the printer already works!!
It was a problem with the extruder motor.
A big problem for me but finally it was solved.
I am happy you finally got a solution to the problem. Good luck with the printing problem:-)
Its sure this will solve the problem?
Its sure this will solve the problem?
Here some examples:
Is the diagonal cup supposed to be like that?
Glad it worked out for you. As far as I know the motors themselves (coils, magnets, bearings etc) are rarely faulty - I am suspicious of the wiring though. It could be that the connector is not on properly or connections in the motor are borked. Did you return the motor or do you still have it?
In the latter case, could you measure the resistance in the wire pairs? Maybe one of the pairs is broken. Checking for this would help in isolating the real problem.
Hi Technicality. Yes, I still have the old components, but I have nothing to measure anything, sorry. By the way, It's suposed these components are going to be sent to Ultimaker people to study them.
About the cup, it must be a normal cup, so the final print was wrong, but I don't know why...
Thanks for your comments.
I have just discovered why the cup in the first photo was wrong: that happens when while you are printing, the extruder hits any top-end, so that deformation happened when the cup reached more diameter (its diametres grows towards the top) and hitted the Y axis top-end.
Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I've seen that once before as well - I believe it's something either software or endstops should take care of automatically...
Thanks for your coments
I'm trying to improve my prints, little by little...
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Daid 306
You already had new electronics right? Did you use the same motor drivers or new ones? The motor driver could be overheating.
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