Thanks for your answer, Gr5.
I disconnected the temp1 cable and connected it again, appliying some pressure with a tweezer to make sure it latched ok. The printer finished the configuration wizard without a hitch and I'm going to print a test to see if its solved.
Thank you very much!
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gr5 2,294
It's a common issue. It's usually an open in the temp sensor cabling meaning a wire is broken or not connected. There are stickers telling you what you can't take apart that will void the warranty. The only sticker I know about is on the bed connector. So go ahead and put the UM2 on it's side and remove the larger cover. This is not an iphone - the printer is designed to be disassembled easily.
The larger cover is the one you want - there are only 2 screws holding it on.
If you are lucky the wire simply fell out. Things get loose during shipping.
Even when your ticket finally gets serviced they will likely simply send you another temperature probe and you will have to remove the cover then anyway to connect the new probe (and you will have to do so much more).
More likely the probe broke or the wiring broke right at the nozzle. This repair is more difficult.
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