UM or UM2? Either way I'd try increasing your temperature a bit, 210C is fairly cool when you up the print speed.
UM or UM2? Either way I'd try increasing your temperature a bit, 210C is fairly cool when you up the print speed.
I was told that 220 was "waay" too much. It should be 190 on pla.. I have always used 220. So i went with 210 to compensate a little for what the persons was saying.
I was installing the Z-probe now and i saw that the rods are not even. There was around 2mm difference on the x and y rods blocks on each side i fixed that while i was at it.
Gonna try the z-probe stuff now but any tip on fixing the gapped stripes if it still there?
I think everyone gets a little bit of a different effect from the heat level... seems to vary between machines sometimes..
I actually print most of my PLA models at a speed of 50 with a temp of 230 with full cooling fans on.. and I get good clean results ... :-)
Ian :-)
I usually print at 220C. How many layers do you have for your top layer - is it only the top or are the sides also looking a bit thin?
If your layer height is .2 and your top thickness is .4mm then that is only 2 layers. the first layer will droop a bit and the second will recover partly but it takes more like 6 layers to get a perfect top (if you do .1mm layers - with .2mm layers maybe 4 layers is enough?). Anyway add one more layer for your top/bottom thickness. And always make sure the top/bottom thickness is a multiple of your layer height.
I have 1mm on .2 layer height.
I've c hanged the Esteps/mm to 843 instead og 836 or whats the original and it filled up a little better now. I'll see on the bigger print tomorrow. Just tested on 1x1x1cm cubes Gn!
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thorleif-jacobsen 0
Update: Its the same if i'm using 100%, 70%, 50% or 30% on a 10x10cube. Small difference in the size of the strings but still a space to see trough. :sad:
Looked at it with powerfull light, the cube actually was more filled on 30%, nearly 100% But this must be fixable? I cant run it at 30% on each print, i usually do 75.
(Each % is out of 100mm/s so 70% is 70mms)
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