Thanks for the reply, I've ordered up some 300c melting point solder, I will also pick up a couple of spare sensors from the place 3Poro mentioned in his topic.
I need to order up a couple of isolators from ultimaker, so i will give it a couple of days to see if they respond to my email. In the meanwhile I'm going to gather the parts/materials for the repair job. Why is it these things always happen when its the worst possible time for the machine to have down time? lol
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gr5 2,265
To remove the sensor someone said to put a small wood screw in there that is the right diameter to get a good grip then pull it out with pliers.
The sensor is repairable. Split it down the side with dremel, locate the tiny temp sensor (it's very very very small - like grain of sand) and attach it to fresh wires and pack it back in there with maybe kapton tape. Beware normal solder melts well below 230C so you need solder that is mostly lead. Check melting temp of the solder before using it. Good article on melting points of different types of solder in wikipedia.
Kapton tape can handle 300C no problem.
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