Dim3nsioneer 558
But yeah, being able to remove the feeder without the motor coming off would be nice (future versions will be made like that).
I managed to do this by jamming a screwdriver between motor and the white motor case. Not a very elegant way but it works...
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IRobertI 521
The way I do it is to assemble the feeder, put the feeder on the machine, put one screw in, put pressure on the screw with the screwdriver with my right hand (thus holding the feeder in place), with my left hand position the motor at the correct location and screw in the first screw. From there it's just a matter of rotating the feeder and motor to be able to put in the second screw and so on.
Sounds complicated but it's pretty easy to do.
But yeah, being able to remove the feeder without the motor coming off would be nice (future versions will be made like that).
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