onkelgeorg 36
no, you are wrong may be my writing is a little bit confusing
I installed the new firmware using Cura and after the succesful installation Cura displayed the .hex number you mentioned.
Otherwise the Ulticontroller wouldn't give the possibility to use the heated bed, right? On the Ulticontroller there is a possiblilty to check the Firmware version, it says: 15.02.1
I naturally setup a new machine in Cura also.
btw: the wrong z-steps were already reported in November: http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/8305-wrong-default-axis-steps-per-unit-in-branch-marlin-um-heatedbedupgrade/?p=78122
any other idea?
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amedee 349
If you have the wrong z-steps, then you have installed the wrong firmware...
The correct firmware should be 'MarlinUltimaker-HBK-250000.hex'
(There is no way Cura can see if you have an HBK or not, so if you have not changed your machine config in Cura, it will by default still install the 'blue tape' version
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