Something similar happened to me recently and it turned out I had accidentally unchecked the solid top layer button in the expert settings menu. Just something worth checking...
Something similar happened to me recently and it turned out I had accidentally unchecked the solid top layer button in the expert settings menu. Just something worth checking...
I can see in the walls of your print some underextrusion here and there. The top is hard to tell what the issue is - it looks like you only have 2 top layers so I would thicken that. Please post:
print speed, nozzle temp, layer height.
For example for .2mm layers you don't want to go faster than these speeds:
20mm/sec at 200C
30mm/sec at 210C
40mm/sec at 225C
50mm/sec at 240C
wow thanks for the responses. I have the original 0.4mm nozzle and I'm using the following settings:
Layer height 0.2, shell thickness 1.6, Bottom/ top 0.6, density 33%, Temp 210 (PLA), bed temp 55.
I would increase the bottom/ top to 0.8 (or more) and you could easily increase layer height up to .06 - 0.10
you don't mention your print speed ?
I would increase the bottom/ top to 0.8 (or more) and you could easily increase layer height up to .06 - 0.10
you don't mention your print speed ?
sorry the speed is usually between 40-60 mm/s, I've put at 40 mm/s for the next print
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stu_le_brew 42
IMO the maybe top layer is not thick enough, and it could be some under extrusion in the body of the print, hard to see from the photo.
you should post all of your settings to help with diagnosis, also what extruder feeder are you using - the standard one ?
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