Hi Robert,
Thanks for the advice, I have a um2. And am using fast and normal settings in cura.
Hi Robert,
Thanks for the advice, I have a um2. And am using fast and normal settings in cura.
Personally I have always viewed the fast setting in cura as only for prototypes, ie I am going to throw away after the test print.
Your pictures remind me of my early days prints, the problem turned out to be the two side fans had a poor/intermittent connection causing variable cooling (they are only crimped on to the connectors).
To check for this start a print job, while things are warming up you can use tune to turn the fans on (upto 100%) and then move the cables at the top of the print head - if the fans stop this may be your problem
Hi all,
Quick update, I just cleaned the bed, am not using any glue and just calibrated by eye the bed and fingers crossed it seems to be working nicer now.
I am just going to try a few things that are going to be useful and in small parts (Ie some of Roberts mods) see how they come out.
Hey All,
Quick update just printed about 5 pieces of Roberts Chain (figured while I am practising I would do something semi useful) and am really happy with them, all of them apart from one are perfect and even that one is ok.
I think it might have been at the very back of the plate and doesn't seem to be as level on the bottom of the piece. So I am going to maybe try turning the back spring dial a quarter turn and see if that makes a difference with the next set of chain pieces I print. I have been using no glue but now after cleaning the bed and revealing it seems to be sticking much better.
Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Crossing fingers neo, glad your getting the hang of things, eventually you will know a lot mitr answers than have questions, we all started somewhere
I spent a few hours yesterday sorting out bad blockages and have kind of sorted it, but now have a much noisier printer.,,hmmm
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IRobertI 521
First, I don't know if you have an UMO or an UM2? Looking at the pictures it looks like you have a bit of backlash which is often due to slack short belts. This is usually more common on the UMO. Regardless, See here:
It also looks like your nozzle is a bit too far from the bed on the first layer. This could be making it so that the part isn't sticking as hard to the bed as it should be.
What temperature are you using on the bed? It looks like you have a bit of "cave in" on the wall which is usually caused by a bed that is too hot. I like to use 60C for the bed when printing PLA.
Patchy layers could be that you're slightly underextruding. Cleaning the nozzle might help there. See the "Atomic method":
As for the glue. Less is more. You want a thin layer of glue, not a thick one. Clean your bed thoroughly and then apply a thin layer of glue. Use some damp paper to spread it around and let it dry as the bed heats up.
You don't need to re-apply after every print and the glue shouldn't feel tacky. I don't have a number to use here for how often to re-apply. It depends
As for the bad print quality on the little robot. Not sure there, possibly not enough cooling?
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