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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Well, the 5V back fan was a quite "last months" change thing. The electronics where tested and produced a few months before that (they where actually the first piece finalized). And changing electronics requires a lot of testing due to regulation. (CE and FCC are fun...) Potentially you could abuse the LED output to control that fan. But the LED output is 24V, and the default fan is 5V. So you would need to do some hacking to convert to the proper levels. The connectors are JST connectors. Quite common.
  2. The extruder will only move if the hotend is hot.
  3. On the other hand, with 1.75mm you have less volume in the melting chamber, which results in better retractions. And you need a weaker feeder for 1.75.
  4. Loaded a 200x200x200 cube. Pressed "voxelize", it got half way, and crashed with out-of-memory. GCode view on smaller objects clearly shows holes. And bad alignment of layers (circles not lining up) Interface is quite confusing (We had a good laugh at some of the stranger things you could do, like switching the model view into a voxel view) Failed to find a voxel resolution option...
  5. Pretty limited in functionality compared to current Cura. But they are nice people :-)
  6. As far as I know the 14.05-RC2 is stable. (RC stands for Release Candidate. So, it's a candidate for a release, meaning there might be minor issues but nothing major) There also hasn't been any major changes past 14.03, so the 14.05-RC2 is pretty risk free. As I'm working with full speed on a re-write of the GUI.
  7. It's a none-existsing algorithm, so it cannot be broken. Cura picks the clostest point to where it left off, to minimize the amount of movement it needs to do. This indeed usually results in a visible Z scar at 1 point. Instead of the scar scattered across the surface.
  8. If you love memory (as voxels will eat that stuff for breakfest, lunch, snacks, and supper), hate proper dimensional stability (as voxels have an inherit resolution, higher resolution will use up a lot more memory), then voxels are awesome. So, good for some things, bad for others. (And, as you might notice I'm not a huge fan. Voxels are like "multithreaded" "xml" and a few other technologies. They always seem to popup at some point, pushed as "the ultimate solution for everything!")
  9. That's a pretty old page... and does not mention the use of Cura anywhere.
  10. https://github.com/daid/Cura2/blob/master/Cura/machine/fdmprinter.py#L31
  11. Cura tries to be true to the 3D model. Which is why there are so many segments. It does optimize a bit, but to the point where SD printing works nice. USB printing might be a latency issue, the speed for USB and SD are both the same (250000 bits per second), but USB printing is much more prone to slowdowns. I hardly believe that this is just due to the checksum codes.
  12. The instructions say: 'Adjust the front left screw of your printer bed So the nozzle just hits the bed.' Which is true, as it is at Z0. Not sure where you spotted the paper instructions. (And I didn't know WRONG is all capitals these days)
  13. Yes it is Stuff has changed, a year ago I could silently work in a branch and nobody would notice. Now I feel like my fingers are watched ;-) But, if you want to look at my latest work https://github.com/daid/Cura2 Lots of stuff happening there.
  14. On the UM2 display it does. (You cannot see which safety was triggered, both are handled the same)
  15. Ideally, yes. That's why people are slowly moving towards material settings in the machine (like filament diameter)
  16. For a machine that big, it might be better just to mount the feeder on the head, as everything is getting heavy compared to the feeder anyhow. Stiffness of the axis is also very important. I'm not sure if the square gantry of the Ultimaker scales very well to larger sizes.
  17. :ph34r: I tried to be a ninja and failed. (We're entering a testing phase of the heated bed kit. I have no ETA on when it will be available. Beta testers have already been selected. Yes, this stuff is late, but better later then never)
  18. It's python. Just edit the file and restart Cura, it will show. Python is easy like that. (Note that python is whitespace sensitive, and Cura is currently made with tabs instead of spaces, while the standard in python is spaces)
  19. Just so you know, you can also do this adjustment in firmware, as well as the above start-code trick. Cura won't get a setting for this. As I think that it's not the job of the slicer to adjust for this.
  20. After the purge you do not set the E value back to 0 (G92 E0), that's most likely what's causing your problems.
  21. You should check the start code vs the start code of the other tools.
  22. Well, as I said, in the current version it does not work (it requires a change in the Cura code) It should work in the latest RC: http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ Still, as this data is a year old, I'm taking it with a huge amount of salt. (And, we have almost all Mac's at the office, so the Mac version does need to work)
  23. About a year ago, I added the "anonymous usage information" checkbox in Cura, which submits some info about how you are configuring Cura to YouMagine. Last week, I finally took a small look at this data. And, I found out that due to a change in YouMagine, I only have data of a few months in 2013. Which is a bit of a shame, and a year old. (It's about 14000 records of data) What I did see however, is that the vast majority of people use Windows. (93%) Next up, to my surprise, was Linux (6%), and MacOS was only used a tiny bit (<1%) The MacOS version of Cura had still some issues back then. So I'm suspecting that's impacting that number a bit. Still need to do some statistics on the used profiles.
  24. It's for a possible safety circuit. We didn't implement one at the end. But we had planned for a heat sensor to prevent over-heating. You could add a emergency switch to it:
  25. I would do this. Updating these kinds of LEDs costs significant amount of CPU power from the Arduino, which will block the printing process.
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