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Everything posted by Daid

  1. I think you should have been around long enough to know that my default answer to "Can we please have an option X" is "no" (Also, I have bigger fish to fry, multi-object slicing seems broken in the latest RC)
  2. That's already in the current version, if you select an Ultimaker or Ultimaker2 as printer.
  3. if (liftHeadIfNeeded && extraTime > 0.0) { gcode.writeComment("Small layer, adding delay of %f", extraTime); gcode.writeRetraction(); gcode.setZ(gcode.getPositionZ() + MM2INT(3.0)); gcode.writeMove(gcode.getPositionXY(), travelConfig.speed, 0); gcode.writeMove(gcode.getPositionXY() - Point(-MM2INT(20.0), 0), travelConfig.speed, 0); gcode.writeDelay(extraTime); } Pretty sure there is retraction in there
  4. We're not organizing something like this right now. So much I can guarantee. We're busy enough with all the trade-shows and stuff like that. But, if someone would organize something like this, I would do my best to visit. And, doing it somewhere in the Netherlands will increase likelihood that UM people will visit. When you organize this, make sure to pick a date far in advance, so people can actually plan. If you say now "it's in 2 months" then that's actually pretty short notice for a lot of people.
  5. Maybe you are running into an odd bug. Can you try the latest RC? http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ And report if the problem is still happening then?
  6. You might want to prevent this: http://pixpast.com/content2/ Depending on how your hosting is setup, you could prevent this with a "-Indexes" in the htaccess: http://www.thesitewizard.com/apache/prevent-directory-listing-htaccess.shtml
  7. It's low quality. But that has little to do with the feeders on the head.
  8. Actually, the above is a photoshopped mockup. The actual implementation looks like this right now: I hope that fixes your disappointment :-)
  9. The heater pins are protected from the M42 by default as far as I know.
  10. As far as I know, that's a driver bug which can be fixed by updating the video card driver (atleast, that's how I fixed it on my laptop)
  11. I've actually seen and touched this stuff now (at FabCon) And, OMG. NOW, GIVE IT. It's great. It's heavy (somewhere around 3x as heavy). And it will be expensive, they didn't tell how expensive it will be. But they most likely will sell smaller rolls due to the weight and price. And, it will most likely take till august for it to be really ready for sale. Note, it's bronse particles with some plastic (PLA I think) as bonding agent. So it's most likely something lie 70% bronse, 30% PLA. So it's not "full metal printing", but it does look and feel awesome. I also met the guy behind LayWood, and he has some interesting new stuff as well. (I'll look it up later, I'm too tired right now)
  12. This mode is still very experimental and needs latest firmware features that people are working on. It's not something that is supported out of the box right now, it's an "in development" feature. Also, the default firmware install in the latest RC is broken, I messed up the filenames while adding the heated-bed firmware. Sorry.
  13. Maybe helps to know how the object selection is actually implemented. It's actually drawing the objects in different colors, and looks at the color below the mouse cursor to see which object you are actually clicking on (hence the 16bit colors problem) maybe this helps indiagnosing the problem.
  14. It's most likely a mechanical issue. I've seen this happen before and people really blaming Cura. But, Cura is pressing your printer quite hard, most likely beyond the limits on the default settings.
  15. Only case where I haven't seen this working is when the display is set to 16bit colors instead of full colors.
  16. Note that people have made acrylic Ultimakers before, and they usually fracture at the slider-blocks and the feeder. I recommend basing it of a kit. Sure, you'll have the wooden bits that you do not need. But that's only a fraction of the costs of the kit. You could also source all the parts yourself, this will save you money, but will cost a lot more time and effort. Two of our interns did this before they joined Ultimaker. They spend about 1000 euro for 2 machines, but it took them a few months. And, in the end, they had to replace their cheap china electronics as they broke down. (But that didn't cost them anything as they where already working for us by that time, and we still had a few spare 1.5.4 electronics that we could no longer use)
  17. That's the smallest thing I printed with support material (euro coin for scale) This was quite a while ago, but I did a lot of small prints. What is important is reducing the printing speed and the temperature. You want the temperature as low as possible, 200C or even 190C. To print at these low temperatures you need to reduce the speed a bit (I would try 30mm/s, but you might have to tweak this a bit will printing to see what works) Some final tricks could be, printing "all at once" (tools menu) and add multiple small objects. This gives every object the time to cool down. And see if you can add more air-flow, for the UM Original there are some custom printable fan-ducts that do wonders for small prints (but don't work very well for large ones)
  18. Talked to a guy at the Makerbot stand at FabCon (Erfurt Germany), and he's a total fan of Cura and the support material it generates. So I have no idea how good or bad the Makerbot support material is, but if their own people prefer other software... Anyhow, meshmixer is the best solution for support material right now. But it does have a learning curve.
  19. It's free to share the link: http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ (I should rename that place to something better, like "Cura beta versions"
  20. I've also patched the code to prevent this G11.
  21. Yes, that doesn't sound correct. Most likely this is also added in the UM2 gcode, but, there it doesn't do much due to slight changes how the G10 and G11 are handled.
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