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Everything posted by Daid

  1. I think it's the same problem as reported as the speed issue. Where 14.03 is generating too many small segments for high detailed prints, causing the printer to slow down (with all quality problems as result)
  2. I'm keeping a good watch on the topics about the print windows. I'm not expecting everyone to use github, actually, I think github is quite difficult to use for a lot of people. People can also email me stuff, so that would also be a way to get updates on the print window into the Cura release. It's just a focus thing. I rather focus on a few other things, and keep the support from me for USB printing at a basic level.
  3. Those buttons only show if they are available, else they are hidden. (Pull out the USB cable after a connect is done, and the error log will show up. The pause had some issues, so is always disabled at the moment)
  4. Ok, I'll work on a fix. A workaround should be to set the initial layer-height of 0.16
  5. Which version of wxPython and Python are you running? Cura, as of 14.03 has a 64 bit version, which should work on 64 bit systems.
  6. It does, retraction are blue upward lines.
  7. It's compatible with the Arduino bootloader that is on the ArduinoMega2560. So you could. But you only should if you know what you are doing.
  8. The bowden tube is bought as 1/8", however, in fabrication, everything has a tolerance. So the ID of the tube can vary, but is guaranteed to be at least 3mm. Now, most filament sold as 3mm is actually 2.85. But named 3mm. Example, http://www.faberdashery.co.uk/ sells "3mm" but that is actually 2.85mm.
  9. Using a initial layer thickness of half or less then the layer height will cause the first layer to lay outside of the model and not generate GCode for that layer. Which also causes the skirt to go missing. See: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/issues/69 This worked before due to a bug that caused the actual print to be slightly higher then intended. When I fixed that bug, this new one is being pushed forward. I still want to ask.... WHY? For me it feels really odd to have a thin first layer and thicker layers after that...
  10. Do you have, by any change, the initial layer thickness set smaller then the normal layer thickness?
  11. Understand the frustration of working your ass off for 2 months on a software release putting in the most requested features, fixing every single bug that people can find, trying to make a super stable release. And then the first thing you see is "Fuck you"
  12. If the MacOS version of wxWidgets would have co-operated. Yes. It should have been 2 lines of text, and a line of buttons. Below that a progress bar. Clean and simple. However, as always, stupid MacOS screws up and decides to act in totally unpredictable ways.
  13. It requires bootloader changes that I didn't get stable. And you cannot change the bootloader without an ISP programmer. So most likely, no. Sorry. Code for my experimental bootloader is available at https://github.com/daid/UltiBoot
  14. I tried to do this, but I ran into problems, and with the time constrains I scraped the feature.
  15. Helps more if I have the model and settings used. Models can be emailed to d.braam@ultimaker.com And I keep all models confidential (and delete after fixing problems) unless specified differently by the maker.
  16. You're missing the proper build command. Use make.
  17. Hint, swearing is not the way to get me to work with you. Calling me Microsoft also does not work really productively. I've made it like this because people could provide me with simple updates on the plugin now, or custom plugins that I can provide in the next release. I'm not expecting everyone to write their own. I'm hoping that people will work together on this, instead of relaying totally on me. As me is swarmed with work already, and I use USB printing too little to know what is needed there. So, less "boo boo" and more "work together", and you might get somewhere. Instead of saying "F*ck you Daid", say "F*ck, we can improve this, lets do X,Y,Z!" (Also, you can always save the gcode with the right-mouse-button click on the print button and use Pronterface instead of Cura to print)
  18. The print windows can be changed with plugins. The PronterfaceUI plugin should be simple enough that everyone who can handle a text editor and paint can update it.
  19. Example models. Example models. Example models. Also, USB or SD printing? I need information if I want to fix this properly.
  20. I made them hackable for a very simple reason. People where always reporting stuff they are missing in them, and "how it should be". I figured that I would never be able to satisfy everyone's need. Especially with USB printing being a low priority for me. So feel free to create the ultimate printing dialog, and send in a patch for it. I know both defaults will be lacking.
  21. Except that the problem would be much more complex then that. As you would lose the whole machine state. After rebooting the machine you no longer know where the head is, what temperature you need to be, and you lost the 16 moves in the movement planner, as well as the exact position in the current movement. And you would wear out the EEPROM pretty quickly.
  22. Could be that the fix-horrible type A (which was default off in 13.12, default on as of 14.01) be causing this.
  23. This could be the cause. I did change some stuff in the resolution to fix the problem with the "waves" not lining up (see different topic on the forums about resolution) It's a bit of a tough problem, you want as much resolution as possible, but not so much that you have buffering issues. Could be that my changes had unintentional consequences.
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