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Everything posted by Daid

  1. Most likely you are looking at smooth shaded models. Smooth shading is a trick pulled by 3D graphics cards to make things look better without adding more polygons. Example: (The above smooth shading is actually not that pretty, there are ways to get even better shading) Cura uses solid/flat shading, because that's how the model will print. As you can see, even on the smooth model, the edge of the model is not actually round.
  2. Except that the top 10 pixels are not really readable if you stand in front of the machine, making all 3 options not really good IMHO.
  3. Rev1 was only build in workshops, never shipped.
  4. Found the bug that causes the crash in the layer view (it only happens if you have limited OpenGL support) Which explains the above error messages. I already have a fix. So I will build a new RC soon, also to address the "older view" bug. I think this will fix the problems drayson is having. @Callum: Seems like something is preventing Cura from creating a directory for it's configuration. At which point it crashes pretty hard. Maybe you ran some version of Cura as root which created a root owned /Users/callum/.cura ? Cura is trying to create a directory called /Users/callum/.cura/Cura_14.02-RC2 and that fails. I've added some code to catch this error, but the end result will be that Cura cannot write configuration, no idea what will happen after this. The clipboard message is something from wxPython, I've done my best to prevent it, but sometimes it can still pop up. It is quite rare.
  5. I do not thing detecting missed steps will be 100% accurate. But you can measure how much "force" the steppers need to apply, which is an indication of how well your machine is running. Could be useful for tuning your machine. But I haven't plotted that data yet.
  6. Haven't seen it, but could be related to the race-condition bug. Does the GCode view not update or does nothing update? And what if you change a setting? (should trigger a new slice)
  7. Does it say "float division by zero" "engineResultView.py:_gcodeToVBO_quads:228" (and some more)?
  8. Actually, it's a group of people working on that. But progress has been a bit slow so far. I'm also working on it. We're using TMC260 steppers. Which are quite awesome.
  9. It's a display rounding bug. I toughed I had fixed it, but it still happens in some cases. I've tweaked it a bit, which should solve it. What happens is that 45degs is internally stored as 44.999999999999999 which is rounded down for displaying. On SD card? I highly recommend not seeing the SD card as a safe storage medium. And I hate, hate, popups. You'll blindly click them away before you know it. No beer... yet ;-) It's not that MacOS really helps in this area. Can you try "Show package contents" on the Cura app goto, "Contents/MacOS" and start Cura from there. It should popup a black terminal window which might show a better error message. Got a girlfriend who has 2 cats. So I'm up to 3 now, which might explain it? Someone at Ultimaker managed to reproduce the layerview-crash bug. It happens when there are "empty" layers. If you load images, you get height-maps related to grayscale color. Simple feature to quickly create something basic. Ah, yes, that one. Never got around to fix it. But I should. The "previous GCode view ghosts" (post with the lots of screenshots, and missing layers in gcode view) happens if you view GCode during the slicing, while there was an old gcode visible. There seems to be some race condition that I need to fix.
  10. Actually, the RC renders the infill differently for the lower layers, not completely filled. This greatly speeds up the rendering, and it means I can use different data. The end result however, is that only your currently viewing layer is properly filled. You actually see yellow outlines of the infill areas, so the infill is there.
  11. It looks like ABS is a mistake for the UM2 feeder. It seems to slowly wear, which causes ABS dust to end up in the hotend and clog the hotend. We're working to get the supplier to change the material, but it's not going as fast as we hoped. A quick workaround is printing the sides in PLA, and use those instead of the ABS sides.
  12. I have an Cura 14.02-ReleaseCanidate2 ready for people to test. Download it at http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ This update features: * Improved the LayerView rendering speed. (A LOT) * Made the LayerView update during slicing, so you can see the result before it is ready. * New USB printing dialog, smaller, cleaner. * Selectable USB printing dialogs, from plugins. * Selection between new grid or old line based support material. * Profile settings are now stored per machine instead of global for all machines. * Added TweakAtZ 3.1 plugin per default. Thanks to Steve Morlock, Ricardo Gomez and Stefan Heule. * Added separate speeds for outer and inner shells. * Added expert Z-Hop feature. * Removed need for temp files, which speeds up Cura on slower harddisks. * Added expert setting to configure support material angle. * Allow round printer beds for Deltabots. It also includes a new UM2 firmware with the following changes: * Added pause function during printing. (With proper retraction and head-moves-away) * Added material selection when changing material. * Fixed the move material maintenance function. * Fixed the led brightness on startup. Now, there have been 2 test versions before on this 14.02. (One internally, and one on the google groups) so it should be pretty much bug free. I know support material still sucks, so no need to report that one. The USB printing window completely changed and is now configurable, and hackable. The default is a very small, limited, basic window. But in the preferences you can opt for an interface based on Pronterface. This interface is defined by a plugin: https://github.com/daid/Cura/tree/SteamEngine/plugins/PronterfaceUI Which has more advanced features, and any button you miss can be added. But, let me know if there are any bugs. This is quite possibly the last release... with this exact settings GUI. We're going to do a major change in the GUI to make everything easier to use. So I want this 14.02 release to be rock-solid.
  13. Can you try the 14.02 RC2? http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ I'm not seeing the extra Z offset in there.
  14. https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/blob/master/gcodeExport.cpp#L217 I opted for this precision because we have 80 micro-steps per mm, so 2 decimals should be enough for that. Note that Cura rounds everything to microns in the X,Y,Z position. So more then 3 decimals would not do anything. Also, while you have 16 microsteps. Or, with better chips, 256 microstepping. The motors are not 100% precise with microstepping. (If you actually plot the physical position vs the microstep you will see a sinus wave) For E we have this crazy amount of steps per mm on the UM-Original, which is why the E value has so many digits.
  15. I've had horrible experiences with FreeCAD. While the sketch tools are pretty good, it quickly becomes rubbish after that. SketchUp (no longer from google) is quite easy to start. But it has an issue where it totally screws over your manifoldness, causing problems later on in printing. I recommend DesignSpark Mechanical over SketchUp, same "easy to use" interface, but no problems with the tool destroying your mesh. Blender is kinda cool, but, you'll need to sink a few hours into tutorials to get anywhere. And, it's not intended for solid modeling. OpenSCAD is a strange beast. You'll love it or hate it. In my case, I love it.
  16. It's a simple case of Cura being smarter then you would expect. These lines are in the infill sections. See the center infill line? It's thinner and squeezed between the contours. If it would do the normal amount of extrusion it would put down too much material. The GCode viewer in Cura works in reverse on the GCode, it calculates the extrusion widths back from the E values. So under-extrusion in GCode would show there. (And it did in my very early CuraEngine code, which did had an extrusion bug)
  17. Which version? I recently found a bug related to this in the initial layer height.
  18. Honestly, highly doubt that they have it truly in stock. The UM2 is in high demand, getting stock is almost impossible.
  19. Rev 1 and 2 are rare. (Only about 30 Rev 1 as far as I know, and 60 Rev 2) These have 8mm X/Y rods and different sliderblocks. The Rev1 machines have open backsides. Rev 3 is usually the machine you see out there from the "early days", quite a lot of these where sold as kit and is generally regarded as the true Ultimaker. The differences from this point on have been a lot smaller. The V2 hotend and extruder upgrade where added on that (standard now), as well as some tweaks on the wood (like the 2nd feeder slot and moving the feeder motor a bit backward so it no longer hits the casing) After Rev3 the revision tracking was not done really well, so it's hard to say what is a Rev3 and a Rev4.
  20. It's back in: http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/ 14.02-RC1
  21. The processing (not stopping printing because of network load) is what a realtime-OS is for. Security is something I'm quite used to programming by now. I did a study in embedded realtime systems. I worked for 5 years on the networking and safety parts of high end traffic lights. With proper design and coding this can be done.
  22. Dual extrusion most certainly has some future. Especially now that Makerbot dropped support for it in their latest machines. I have some ideas on the GUI. And, 14.02 will most likely be the last release with the current GUI. We've had our interaction-designer work on the GUI, and he has had some great ideas on improvements.
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