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Everything posted by Daid

  1. The material fan speed selection is a factor on top of the Cura selected fan-speed. So if you select 50% at both, then the final fan speed is 25%.
  2. I know there was a press kit with high resolution photos. But I can no longer find it. The front/back/top/bottom are a 6mm DiBond material.
  3. Cura currently only does fully enclosed contours. With thin walled sections it cannot lay a contour and sometimes will refuse to print anything for that section. I have no plans to change this behavior, as the problem is difficult, and there are only a few edge cases where it is a problem.
  4. I'm well aware of the support structure problems of Cura 13.06 and 13.12. Any Cura version of 13.06 or higher will not properly support some things. This has to do with the algoritm used for support material. Which is "look at the angle of the polygons, and if it's more then 60deg, add support. This generally works for organic objects, but fails for the case that Valcrow shows. Cura versions 13.12 or higher uses a newer "grid/outline" support structure. Which is in some cases far superior, as it breaks away as a single chunk. (I've had great results with this) But for some other cases does not work very well. Cura versions 13.06 to 13.11 with the line supports do not properly implement a gap between the support and the model. This is fixed with 13.12. I'm planning to add an option for the zig-zag lines again, as this works better in some cases. Note, support material is very tricky. There are many things you need to account for. And I've never been happy with any implementation so far. (0235: That last picture should print fine. The filled up screwholes is a bug, which can be worked around by disabling the fix-horrible-type-A)
  5. Courious, which Lathe did you get? We're looking to replace our shop lathe for something better. (And, part of the money you pay for an UM goes to R&D, you know, for Cura development for example. As I also like to eat) (Supporting the Z axis at the top actually makes the prints come out worse, as you add Z wobble. The first 30 UM machines had this and where all changed to no longer have fixed the axis at the top. There is a lot of valuable experience in the UM2)
  6. We tried that, didn't work very well. The lever is behind the spool and needs a lot of force to open up.
  7. The one on youmagine has a CC-by-SA license so can be sold: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/official-ultimaker-robot.%20Does%20require%20attribution.
  8. Cura is using OpenGL. You might need to make sure the latest version of DirectX and your videocard drivers are installed. Specificly, it's using OpenGL Shaders to render the 3D model, and it seems that goes wrong. Cura actually checks if shaders are supported on your hardware before it uses them. So your videocard drivers are reporting that they have shaders, but after that they do not work. Indicating a problem with the drivers.
  9. You need to drill extra holes to fit the motor, and the motor of the UM2 is stronger and more steps then the UM-Ori feeder. And you need the knurled sleeve. The spring can be re-used, but you need to add a small spacer (5mm in my case). The actual spring in the feeder for the UM2 is a different one. The bearing is the same type as in the UM-Ori feeder that is holding the knurled bolt (so you have 2 of those) Software wise you need to adjust the steps per mm for E to 141 or 282 depending on if you have a 200 step or 400 step per rotation motor. http://daid.eu/~daid/IMG_20130405_155954.small.jpg parts needed http://daid.eu/~daid/IMG_20130406_112324.small.jpg result on my home machine. But your biggest problem would be the knurled wheel. The home machines of UM employees are used quite a bit for testing UM2 parts. People have all kinds of machines in all kinds of states now. Many of us have the UM2 electronics fitted. Some have the feeder, some have the heated bed. But it all required custom tinkering or printed parts to get stuff fitted.
  10. Saving as AMF saves a whole plate of objects keeping all the objects seperate. It does not contain settings, but it does contain a plate of individually printed objects.
  11. Belts and pulleys are the wrong bits (MXL vs GT2). All spare-parts are UM-Origonal. The tube will be 2cm too short. (still fits, but will get a lot of stress in the far corner)
  12. I do not have those. Sorry. If I had them, I would have shared the step files.
  13. I think if we can identify the machines even after sale we'll have something. As you could trace it back to the person who sold it. I do not it would be wise to do anything to the person who bought the machine. As they most likely do not know they are buying stolen goods.
  14. Ok, a bit later then expected. But I got permission to share the printable files: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker2-feeder-printable This is a slightly dated version that used the UM-Original feeder spring and a 5mm spacer. But other then that it functions the same. I printed a lot of these for testing goals, and quite a few people working at Ultimaker have one of these printed versions on their home UM-Origonal.
  15. The engine can do this, however the GUI does not support this (yet) so it is something in the planning, but not yet made.
  16. We had a training in Spaceclaim a while ago. I'm quite good with it now, I had Designspark open next to it to see what features it lacked, and there where only a few minor things that where missing.
  17. I'll quickly ask and let you know on Tuesday. I have the "latest" files, which are injection molded ready. However, I also have an older version which is not injection molded ready, but can be 3D printed much easier. (It's what I have on my home machine) Might be of more use to share those. But before I do I have to ask if I can share them. (I have a day off on Monday)
  18. Then you better not do this IMHO. The Printrbot uses 2 motors on 2 different Z axiz, and that already gives some issues. They are controlled with a single driver and split motor cables. The pololus are rated 2A max, but that's with more cooling then you have. 1.5A is about the max where they will shut down. The default is around 1.1A/1.2A for the UM. So you do not have a lot of extra power there.
  19. We tried Z belts for an experiment (early UM2 stuff). Main issue was resolutions and that when you lose power the bed drops like a brick.
  20. You can also use the M42 command to control the 2nd/3th heater output if there is only a single-extruder extruder and no heated bed configured.
  21. The prepare button was removed more then 6 months ago. If the print button is not grayed out, GCode is generated. But it is no longer generated next to the STL file. There are some issues with the USB printing dialog. I haven't found the cause if it hanging yet. I do know it's loading the GCode file when you press it, which with a large file can take a while, causing an empty USB dialog for a while. But that does recover.
  22. Just so you know. I heard that. Thanks I think some of the better things is that I'm still listening and improving Cura, compared to Netfabb that took a year to implement retraction. What caused you to pursuit Netfabb as alternative to Cura? I know Cura is not the holy solution to all 3D printing needs. (Support material needs some heavy improvements)
  23. I wouldn't draw from the 12V line of the UM electronics, there is a bit too much load on it already. You could use the Heater2 output.
  24. There has been a bad firmware release that causes this (firmware version 14.01.1) the latest download from the website should be including 14.01.2 firmware (but still called Cura 14.01)
  25. I'll try. I'm mostly concerning myself with software. So everything I say about the production is 2nd handed information. The new pulleys could be a few months off, it's not a component we switch out easy, as the whole machine depends on it. I do not know what amount of torque they use. Dipping bolts in loctite is easy, dipping the setscrews however, is a different task. As you suddenly have to put in loctite and insert the setscrew while the pulley is already in the machine, which is significant more difficult.
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